US-Klage gegen Schneider GmbH & Co KG (Fortsetzung)

23.April 2010; U.S. District Court  Northern District of Texas (Dallas) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 3:10-cv-00375-L; Agreed Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer or Pleading filed by Schneider GmbH & Co KG, Schneider Optical Machines LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order for Extension of Time to File Answer or Pleading) (Illmer, Richard) (Entered: 04/23/2010), weitere Verfahrensdokumente:

Motion to Appoint Special Process Service, Motion for Extension of Time To File Answer or Pleading

Die Beklage deutsche Firma hat sich nunmehr bei Gericht legitimiert und einen Anwalt mit der Verteidigung beauftragt. Die Verfahrensbeteiligten haben sich – wie so oft in derartigen Verfahren – darauf geeinigt, dass die Beklagte Frist zur Erwiderung auf die Klage bis zum 5.Juli 2010 eingeräumt bekommt, parallel soll die Zeit zum Ausloten der Positionen genutzt werden. Zuvor, am 31.März,  hat das Gericht einen Zustelldienst mit der Auslandszustellung in Deutschland gemäß Haager Konvention beauftragt.  Damit ist die Beklagte offensichtlich bereit, sich schon vor förmlich erfolgter (internationaler) Zustellung auf das Verfahren einzulassen.Andere Firmen entscheiden oftmals anders, ein jeder Fall unterscheidet sich jedoch, kluges Taktieren ist stets angezeigt.

Sehen Sie den Blogeintrag vom 13.März 2010 für weitere Dokumente / Anmerkungen.

Gerber Scientific International Inc v. Schneider GmbH & Co KG et al
Assigned to: Judge Sam A Lindsay
Cause: 35:145 Patent Infringement
Date Filed: 02/24/2010
Jury Demand: Plaintiff
Nature of Suit: 830 Patent
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
Date Filed # Docket Text
04/27/2010 20// <![CDATA[// ORDER granting 19 Agreed Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer or Pleading re 1 Complaint. Schneider GmbH & Co KG answer due 7/6/2010; Schneider Optical Machines LLC answer due 7/6/2010. (See Order) (Ordered by Judge Sam A Lindsay on 4/27/2010) (skt) (Entered: 04/28/2010)
04/23/2010 19// <![CDATA[// Agreed Motion for Extension of Time to File Answer or Pleading filed by Schneider GmbH & Co KG, Schneider Optical Machines LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order for Extension of Time to File Answer or Pleading) (Illmer, Richard) (Entered: 04/23/2010)
04/12/2010 18 ELECTRONIC ORDER granting 16 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice (David E. De Lorenzi). Clerk shall deposit application fee to the Non-Appropriated Fund of this Court. If not already done, Applicant must register as an ECF User within 14 days (LR 5.1(f)). (Ordered by Judge Sam A Lindsay on 4/12/2010) (mlm) (Entered: 04/12/2010)
04/12/2010 17 ELECTRONIC ORDER granting 15 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice (Erich M. Falke). Clerk shall deposit application fee to the Non-Appropriated Fund of this Court. If not already done, Applicant must register as an ECF User within 14 days (LR 5.1(f)). (Ordered by Judge Sam A Lindsay on 4/12/2010) (mlm) (Entered: 04/12/2010)
04/09/2010 16// <![CDATA[// Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney David E. DeLorenzi (Filing fee $25; Receipt number 39707) filed by Schneider GmbH & Co KG, Schneider Optical Machines LLC (tln) (Entered: 04/12/2010)
04/09/2010 15// <![CDATA[// Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Erich M Falke (Filing fee $25; Receipt number 39707) filed by Schneider GmbH & Co KG, Schneider Optical Machines LLC (tln) (Entered: 04/12/2010)
04/01/2010 14// <![CDATA[// AMENDED DOCUMENT by Schneider Optical Machines LLC. Amendment to 11 Notice of Attorney Appearance.. (Illmer, Richard) (Entered: 04/01/2010)
03/31/2010 13// <![CDATA[// ORDER granting 10 Motion to appoint Special Process server. (See Order) (Ordered by Judge Sam A Lindsay on 3/31/2010) (dnc) (Entered: 04/01/2010)
03/31/2010 12// <![CDATA[// Joint STIPULATION for Extension of Time to Answer, Move, or Otherwise Plead by Gerber Scientific International Inc, Schneider Optical Machines LLC. (Illmer, Richard) (Entered: 03/31/2010)
03/31/2010 11// <![CDATA[// NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Richard A Illmer on behalf of Schneider GmbH & Co KG, Schneider Optical Machines LLC. (Illmer, Richard) (Entered: 03/31/2010)
03/29/2010 10// <![CDATA[// MOTION to Appoint Special Process Server filed by Gerber Scientific International Inc (Selinger, Jerry) (Entered: 03/29/2010)
03/23/2010 9// <![CDATA[// SUMMONS Returned Executed as to Schneider Optical Machines LLC; served on 3/15/2010. (mfw) (Entered: 03/23/2010)
03/22/2010 8 ELECTRONIC ORDER granting 6 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice (Andrew M. Riddles). Clerk shall deposit application fee to the Non-Appropriated Fund of this Court. If not already done, Applicant must register as an ECF User within 14 days (LR 5.1(f)). (Ordered by Judge Sam A Lindsay on 3/22/2010) (mlm) (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/22/2010 7 ELECTRONIC ORDER granting 5 Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice (Sean E. Jackson). Clerk shall deposit application fee to the Non-Appropriated Fund of this Court. If not already done, Applicant must register as an ECF User within 14 days (LR 5.1(f)). (Ordered by Judge Sam A Lindsay on 3/22/2010) (mlm) (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/19/2010 6// <![CDATA[// Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Andrew M Riddles (Filing fee $25; Receipt number 39196) filed by Gerber Scientific International Inc. (axm) (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/19/2010 5// <![CDATA[// Application for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Sean E Jackson (Filing fee $25; Receipt number 39196) filed by Gerber Scientific International Inc. (axm) (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/12/2010 4// <![CDATA[// Summons Reissued as to Schneider Optical Machines LLC. (ISS-1) (axm) (Entered: 03/15/2010)
02/24/2010 3// <![CDATA[// CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PERSONS/DISCLOSURE STATEMENT by Gerber Scientific International Inc. (axm) (Entered: 02/25/2010)
02/24/2010 2// <![CDATA[// Summons Issued as to Schneider GmbH & Co KG, Schneider Optical Machines LLC. (ISS-2) (axm) (Entered: 02/25/2010)
02/24/2010 1// <![CDATA[// COMPLAINT WITH JURY DEMAND against Schneider GmbH & Co KG, Schneider Optical Machines LLC filed by Gerber Scientific International Inc. (Filing fee $350; Receipt number 38546) (axm) (Entered: 02/25/2010)
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