und der 2009 Gewinner des „Wacky Warning Label Contest heißt….

2009 Winners of the Wacky Warning Label Contest have been announced. Now in its 12th year, the internationally known contest is sponsored by the Foundation for Fair Civil Justice. Millions of people around the world are reading stories or watching television news reports about the contest and laugh at how silly the warning labels are. Bob Dorigo Jones, who developed the contest, explained that behind these silly labels is a serious public policy concern—America’s out-of-whack system of civil justice. The contest reveals how lawsuits and the fear of lawsuits have driven companies to spend millions on common-sense warnings. This year’s winner is a submission from Steve Shiflett of Hampton, Georgia. The label is attached to a portable toilet seat for outdoorsmen called “The Off-Road Commode” because it is designed to attach to a vehicle’s trailer hitch. The warning label reads „Not for use on moving vehicles“. Other winners include:

  • A wart removal product instruction guide that warns, “Do not use if you cannot see clearly to read the information in the information booklet.”
  • A label on the underside of a cereal bowl warns, “Always use this product with adult supervision.”
  • A small, 1” x 4” LCD panel warns, “Do not eat the LCD panel.”
  • A bag of livestock castration rings warns, “For animal use only.”

Und wenn man bedenkt, dass dies Warnhinweise sind, die im Markt sind, kommt man zuweilen schon über das US-Rechtssystem ins Grübeln. Mehr unter www.wackywarnings.com/

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