US-Klage gegen HSH Nordbank, Deutsche Bank u.a.

15.Januar 2010: Erweiterte Klage einer Gruppe von Investoren wegen u.a. angeblicher Verletzung eines Kreditvertrages über mehrer hundert Millionen US Dollars (Las Vegas Kasinoprojekt „Fontainebleau“).  Verfahrensdokument: Klage gegen HSH Nordbank, Deutsche Bank u.a.

Guter Einblick in eine sehr komplexe Finanzierungsstruktur mit sehr hohem Fremdkapital.

This action is brought by the Plaintiffs, each of which is a lender under a June 6, 2007 Credit Agreement (the “Credit Agreement”), by and among, inter alia, Fontainebleau Las Vegas, LLC and Fontainebleau Las Vegas II, LLC (together, the “Borrower”), the lenders referred to therein, and Bank of America N.A, in various capacities (in all capacities, “BofA”), against Defendants Bank of America, N.A., Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Barclays Bank PLC, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Bank of Scotland, HSH Nordbank AG, MB Financial Bank, N.A., and Camulos Master Fund, L.P. (“Defendants”), in their capacities as lenders under the Credit Agreement, as well as Bank of America, NA, in its capacities as Case 1:09-md-02106-ASG Document 15 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/15/2010 Administrative Agent under the Credit Agreement and as Disbursement Agent under the related Master Disbursement Agreement.

Alle bisherigen Verfahrensschritte finden Sie hier:

ate Filed # Docket Text
12/02/2009 1// <![CDATA[
TRANSFER ORDER (Dated 12/02/2009) from Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation transferring case to the Southern District of Florida re: MDL Case # 09-MD-2106 for consolidated pretrial proceedings pursuant to 28 USC 1407 and assigned to the Honorable Alan S. Gold. (Signed by Robert L. Miller, Jr., Acting Chairman of the Panel). (Attachments: # 1 JPML Service List) (gp) (Entered: 12/03/2009)
12/02/2009 2// <![CDATA[
Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. (gp) (Entered: 12/03/2009)
12/04/2009 3 MDL Transfer In Case Receipt from Southern District of Florida; Case No. 1:09-cv-21879-ASG. Original file with documents 1-110. re: SDFL MDL Case Number 09-md-2106. This Document relates to: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG (gp) (Entered: 12/04/2009)
12/04/2009 4// <![CDATA[
Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation [as modified] (gp) (Entered: 12/04/2009)
12/04/2009 5// <![CDATA[
MDL Transmittal Letter Requesting Case from the District of Nevada, Case Number 2:09-1047 Avenue CLO Fund, Ltd., et al., v. Bank of America, N.A., et al., with enclosed copy of the order of transfer from the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. (gp) (Entered: 12/04/2009)
12/08/2009 6// <![CDATA[
ORDER FOLLOWING TELEPHONIC Status Conference; Requiring Submission; Setting Telephone Status Conference:( Status Conference set for 12/18/2009 02:30 PM in Miami Division before Judge Alan S. Gold.). **Please see Order for further details**. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 12/8/2009. This Document relates to all actions: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG (gp) (Entered: 12/08/2009)
12/11/2009 7// <![CDATA[
NOTICE by Bank of America, N.A., Barclays Bank PLC, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC, HSH Nordbank AG, New York Branch, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., MB Financial Bank, N.A., Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Bank of Scotland PLC, Camulos Master Fund [Joint Notice] Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG(Bloom, Mark) (Entered: 12/11/2009)
12/21/2009 8// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER NUMBER TWO Following Telephonic Status Conference; Setting Oral Argument; Allowing Submission and Response – Oral Argument as to (98 in 1:09-cv-21879-ASG) MOTION for Leave to Appeal and for Stay Pending Appeal ( Oral Argument set for 1/21/2010 05:00 PM in Miami Division before Judge Alan S. Gold.). **Please see Order for further details**. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 12/21/2009. This Document relates to All Actions: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG (gp) (Entered: 12/22/2009)
01/06/2010 9 MDL Transfer In Case Receipt from District of Nevada; Case Number 2:09-cv-01047-KJD-PAL. Electronic file consisting of documents numbered 1-76. Assigned Case #1:09-cv-23835-ASG on 12/28/09. re: SDFL MDL Transfer Order at DE # (1 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG). See Docket Sheet at DE # (77 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG). This Document relates to: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG (gp) (Entered: 01/06/2010)
01/08/2010 10// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER Number Three – Amended Order Setting Pretrial and Trial Dates, Referring Discovery Motions, Directing Parties to Mediation, and Establishing Pretrial Dates and Procedures. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 1/8/2010. This Document relates to all actions: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG (gp) (Entered: 01/08/2010)
01/08/2010 11 CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Chris M. McAliley for Discovery Motions., Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings: (Final date to exchange written Discovery demands, including Requests for Production, Requests for Admission and Interrogatories due by 1/31/2011., Conclusion of Fact Discovery due by 4/14/2011., Defendant shall furnish opposing counsel with a written list containing the names and addresses of all Expert Witnesses so Listed permitted to testify due by 11/1/2010., In Limine Motions due by 12/13/2011., All non-dispositive, non-discovery related pretrial Motions due by 9/15/2010., Joint Pretrial Stipulation due by 12/13/2011., Calendar Call set for 2/8/2012 01:30 PM in Miami Division before Judge Alan S. Gold., Trial set for 2/13/2012 before Judge Alan S. Gold., Pretrial Conference set for 1/13/2012 02:00 PM in Miami Division before Judge Alan S. Gold.) **Please see Order at DE # 10 for further deadlines/instructions** (gp) (Entered: 01/08/2010)
01/13/2010 12// <![CDATA[
RESPONSE in Opposition re (98 in 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 98 in 1:09-cv-21879-ASG) MOTION for Leave to Appeal Interlocutory Orders Withdrawing the Reference and Denying Summary Judgment Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1292(b) and MOTION to Stay re (23) Order,, (62) Order,, Litigation Pending Disposition of Any Appeal MOTION for Leave to Appeal Interlocutory Orders Withdrawing the Reference and Denying Summary Judgment Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1292(b) and MOTION to Stay re (23) Order,, (62) Order,, Litigation Pending Disposition of Any Appeal filed by Term Lenders. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG(Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 01/13/2010)
01/13/2010 13// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER NUMBER FOUR: Administratively Closing Member Cases. **Please see Order for further details**. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 1/13/2010. This Document relates to All actions. Re: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG(gp) -Modified text on 1/14/2010 (gp). (Entered: 01/14/2010)
01/14/2010 14// <![CDATA[
UNSTIPULATED MOTION for Substitution of Counsel (Proposed Order Attached) by MB Financial Bank, N.A.. Responses due by 2/1/2010 Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG(Grossman, Gregory) (Entered: 01/14/2010)
01/15/2010 15// <![CDATA[
Second AMENDED COMPLAINT, filed by Term Lenders.Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG(Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 01/15/2010)
01/19/2010 16// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER Number Five granting (124) Unstipulated Motion for Substitution of Counsel. Attorney Alvin S. Goldstein terminated in case 1:09-cv-21879-ASG; granting (14) Unstipulated Motion for Substitution of Counsel. Attorney Alvin S. Goldstein terminated in case 1:09-md-02106-ASG. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 1/19/2010. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG(ls) (Entered: 01/19/2010)
01/20/2010 17// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Attorney Appearance by Bruce Judson Berman on behalf of Camulos Master Fund, L.P. (Berman, Bruce) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/20/2010 18// <![CDATA[
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Camulos Master Fund, L.P.. (Berman, Bruce) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/20/2010 19// <![CDATA[
REPLY to Response to Motion re (98 in 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 98 in 1:09-cv-21879-ASG) MOTION for Leave to Appeal Interlocutory Orders Withdrawing the Reference and Denying Summary Judgment Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1292(b) and MOTION to Stay re (23) Order,, (62) Order,, Litigation Pending Disposition of Any Appeal MOTION for Leave to Appeal Interlocutory Orders Withdrawing the Reference and Denying Summary Judgment Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1292(b) and MOTION to Stay re (23) Order,, (62) Order,, Litigation Pending Disposition of Any Appeal filed by Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG(Snyder, Jeffrey) (Entered: 01/20/2010)
01/21/2010 20 TEXT Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Alan S. Gold: Motion Hearing held on 1/21/2010 re Docket Number 98 in 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, MOTION for Leave to Appeal Interlocutory Orders Withdrawing the Reference and Denying Summary Judgment Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1292(b) and MOTION to Stay re (23) Order, (62) Order, Litigation Pending Disposition of Any Appeal filed by Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC. Court Reporter: Joseph Millikan, 305-523-5588 Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG (jh) (Entered: 01/22/2010)
01/25/2010 21// <![CDATA[
CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-1) from Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation transferring case, to the Southern District of Florida re: MDL Case # 09-MD-2106 for consolidated pretrial proceedings pursuant to 28 USC 1407 and assigned to the Honorable Alan S. Gold. (Signed by Robert L. Miller, Jr., Acting Chairman of the Panel). (Attachments: # 1 Panel Service List) (gp) (Entered: 01/25/2010)
01/25/2010 22// <![CDATA[
MDL Transmittal Letter Requesting Case from the Southern District of New York (via e-mail), Case Number 1:09-8064 Master, Ltd., et al. v. Bank of America, N.A., et al., with enclosed copy of the order of transfer from the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. (gp) (Entered: 01/25/2010)
01/25/2010 23// <![CDATA[
MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings for Andrew B. Kratenstein. Filing Fee $75.00. Receipt # 1015807. (yc) (Entered: 01/26/2010)
01/25/2010 24// <![CDATA[
MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings for Michael R. Huttenlocher. Filing Fee $75.00. Receipt # 1015808. (yc) (Entered: 01/26/2010)
01/27/2010 25// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER Number Six: Granting (23) Motion for Limited Appearance of Andrew B. Kratenstein, in case 1:09-md-02106-ASG. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 1/27/2010. This Document relates to : 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG (gp) (Entered: 01/28/2010)
01/27/2010 26// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER Number Seven: Granting (24) Motion for Limited Appearance of Michael R. Huttenlocher, in case 1:09-md-02106-ASG. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 1/27/2010. This Document relates to: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG (gp) (Entered: 01/28/2010)
01/28/2010 27// <![CDATA[
ORDER OF RECUSAL. Magistrate Judge Chris M. McAliley recused. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres for all further proceedings. Signed by Magistrate Judge Chris M. McAliley on 1/19/2010. (jc) (Entered: 01/28/2010)
01/28/2010 28// <![CDATA[
ORDER OF RECUSAL. Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres recused. Case reassigned to Magistrate Judge Ted E. Bandstra for all further proceedings. Signed by Magistrate Judge Edwin G. Torres on 1/28/2010. (jc) (Entered: 01/28/2010)
01/29/2010 29// <![CDATA[
Corporate Disclosure Statement by Term Lenders, Term Lenders. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 2 Exhibit B – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 3 Exhibit C – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 4 Exhibit D – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 5 Exhibit E – – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 6 Exhibit F – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 7 Exhibit G – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 8 Exhibit H – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 9 Exhibit I – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 10 Exhibit J – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 11 Exhibit K – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 12 Exhibit L – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 13 Exhibit M – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 14 Exhibit N – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 15 Exhibit O – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 16 Exhibit P – Corporate Disclosure Statement, # 17 Exhibit Q – Corporate Disclosure Statement)Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 01/29/2010)
02/08/2010 30// <![CDATA[
NOTICE by Term Lenders of Request for Termination of Appearance on Service of List of Susan Scann Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG(Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 02/08/2010)
02/09/2010 31 MDL Transfer In Case Receipt from New York Southern; Case Number 1:09-cv-08064. Electronic file consisting of documents numbered 1-28. Assigned Case # 1:10-cv-20236-ASG on 1/26/2010. re: SDFL MDL Conditional Transfer Order (CTO-1) at DE #(21 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG). See Docket Sheet at DE # (29 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG). This Document relates to: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG (gp) (Entered: 02/09/2010)
02/17/2010 32// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice by Carlyle High Yield Partners 2008-1, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners IX, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VI, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VII, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VIII, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners X, Ltd. (Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 02/17/2010)
02/17/2010 33// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice by Primus CLO I, Ltd., Primus CLO II, Ltd. (Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 02/17/2010)
02/17/2010 34// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Inadvertent Inclusion of Certain Plaintiffs by Carlyle Loan Investment, Ltd. re 15 Second Amended Complaint (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibits 1 – 3)(Pruss, Lorenz) Modified on 2/19/2010 (ls). (Entered: 02/17/2010)
02/18/2010 35// <![CDATA[
Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, by Bank of America, N.A.. Responses due by 3/8/2010 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1)Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Rasile, Craig) (Entered: 02/18/2010)
02/18/2010 36// <![CDATA[
MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law by Bank of America, N.A., Barclays Bank PLC, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation, Bank of America, N.A., Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank PLC, Camulos Master Fund, L.P., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, HSH Nordbank AG, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., MB Financial Bank, N.A., Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC. Responses due by 3/8/2010 Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Hutton, John) (Entered: 02/18/2010)
02/18/2010 37// <![CDATA[
AFFIDAVIT signed by : Thomas C Rice. re (42 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG, 93 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 36 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law by Bank of America, N.A., Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank PLC, Camulos Master Fund, L.P., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, HSH Nordbank AG, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., MB Financial Bank, N.A., Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Bank of America, N.A., Barclays Bank PLC, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-1, # 2 Exhibit A-2, # 3 Exhibit A-3, # 4 Exhibit A-4, # 5 Exhibit B-1, # 6 Exhibit B-2, # 7 Exhibit B-3, # 8 Exhibit B-4, # 9 Exhibit B-5, # 10 Exhibit C, # 11 Exhibit D, # 12 Exhibit E, # 13 Exhibit F, # 14 Exhibit G, # 15 Exhibit H)Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Hutton, John) (Entered: 02/18/2010)
02/19/2010 38// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by Copper River CLO Ltd., Green Lane CLO Ltd., Kennecott Funding Ltd., LFC2 Loan Funding LLC, NZC Opportunities (Funding) II Limited, Orpheus Funding LLC, Orpheus Holdings, LLC, Sands Point Funding Ltd. (Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 02/19/2010)
02/22/2010 39// <![CDATA[
ORDER DISMISSING Certain Parties without Prejudice pursuant to (33 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, (38 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, (32 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal, (34 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Notice (Other). DIRECTING Clerk to Take Action. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 2/22/2010. This Document relates to: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG (gp) (Entered: 02/22/2010)
02/23/2010 40 ORDER Setting Hearing on Motion (35 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 92 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 41 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,,Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,,, (36 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 93 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 42 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law : Motion Hearing set for 5/7/2010 03:15 PM in Miami Division before Judge Alan S. Gold. See [DE 10, p. 5].. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 2/23/2010. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG (mbs) (Entered: 02/23/2010)
02/24/2010 41// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER Number Nine: Requiring Courtesy Copies. **Please see Order for further details**. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 2/24/2010. This Document relates to All actions (gp) (Entered: 02/24/2010)
02/25/2010 43// <![CDATA[
MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings for Steven S. Fitzgerald. Filing Fee $75.00. Receipt # 1018180. (gp) (Entered: 03/04/2010)
02/26/2010 42// <![CDATA[
NOTICE by Barclays Bank PLC, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Bank of Scotland PLC, Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Barclays Bank PLC of Request for Termination of Appearance of Attorney (Justin S. Stern, Esq.) Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Hutton, John) (Entered: 02/26/2010)
03/05/2010 44// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice by Ares Enhanced Loan Investment Strategy III, Ltd., Avenue CLO Fund, Ltd., Avenue CLO II, Ltd., Avenue CLO III, Ltd. (Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 03/05/2010)
03/09/2010 Attorney Justin S. Stern terminated. Notice of Termination delivered by US Mail to Justin Stern. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(mbs) (Entered: 03/09/2010)
03/10/2010 45// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER NUMBER TEN Granting 43 Motion for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings for Steven S. Fitzgerald. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 3/10/2010. (gp) -Modified text on 3/10/2010 (gp). (Entered: 03/10/2010)
03/10/2010 46// <![CDATA[
ORDER DISMISSING Parties without prejudice pursuant to (44 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal ; Directing Clerk to Take Action. Avenue CLO Fund, Ltd., Avenue CLO II, Ltd., Avenue CLO III, Ltd., Ares Enhanced Loan Investment Strategy III, Ltd. terminated.. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 3/9/2010. This Document relates to: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG (gp) (Entered: 03/10/2010)
03/10/2010 47// <![CDATA[
ORDER granting 43 MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings for Steven S. Fitzgerald. Signed by Magistrate Judge Ted E. Bandstra on 3/9/2010. (gp) (Entered: 03/10/2010)
03/11/2010 48 CLERK’S NOTICE updating Aaron Rubinstein e-mail information. (yc) (Entered: 03/11/2010)
03/18/2010 53// <![CDATA[
MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings for Phillip A. Geraci. Filing Fee $75.00. Receipt # 1019191 (ra) Modified Date on 3/24/2010 (ra). (Entered: 03/24/2010)
03/18/2010 54// <![CDATA[
MOTION for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings for Steven C. Chin. Filing Fee $75.00. Receipt # 1019190 (ra) (Entered: 03/24/2010)
03/22/2010 49// <![CDATA[
RESPONSE in Opposition re (42 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG, 36 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 93 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law filed by ACP Master, Ltd., Aurelius Capital Master, Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Declaration of James B. Heaton, III Opposing Defendants‘ Joint Motion to Dismiss the Term Lender Complaints, # 2 Exhibit Continuation of Declaration)Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Amron, Brett) (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/22/2010 50// <![CDATA[
RESPONSE in Opposition re (42 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG, 36 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 93 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law Corrected Joint Opposition to Defendants‘ Motion to Dismiss the Term Lenders‘ Claims Against the Revolving Lenders filed by ACP Master, Ltd., Aurelius Capital Master, Ltd.. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Amron, Brett) (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/22/2010 51// <![CDATA[
AFFIDAVIT in Opposition re (42 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG, 36 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 93 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law Declaration of James B. Heaton, III Opposing Defendants‘ Joint Motion to Dismiss the Term Lender Complaints filed by ACP Master, Ltd., Aurelius Capital Master, Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Continuation)Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Amron, Brett) (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/22/2010 52// <![CDATA[
RESPONSE in Opposition re (92 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 41 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,,Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, filed by 1888 Fund, Ltd., Aberdeen Loan Funding, Ltd., Ares Enhanced Loan Investment Strategy III, Ltd., Armstrong Loan Funding, Ltd., Avenue CLO Fund, Ltd., Avenue CLO II, Ltd., Avenue CLO III, Ltd., Avenue CLO IV, Ltd., Avenue CLO V, Ltd., Avenue CLO VI, Ltd., Battalion CLO 2007-I Ltd., Brentwood CLO, Ltd., Brigade Leveraged Capital Structures Fund, Ltd., Canpartners Investments IV, LLC, Canyon Capital Advisors, LLC, Canyon Special Opportunities Master Fund (Canyon), Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners 2008-1, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners IX, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VI, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VII, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VIII, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners X, Ltd., Carlyle Loan Investment, Ltd., Caspian Capital Partners, L.P., Caspian Corporate Loan Fund, LLC, Caspian Select Credit Master Fund, Ltd., Copper River CLO Ltd., Duane Street CLO 1, Ltd., Duane Street CLO II, Ltd., Duane Street CLO III, Ltd., Duane Street CLO IV, Ltd., Duane Street CLO V, Ltd., Eastland CLO, Ltd., Encore Fund LP, Fortissimo Fund, Genesis CLO 2007-1 Ltd., Gleneagles CLO, Ltd., Grayson CLO, Ltd., Green Lane CLO Ltd., Greenbriar CLO, Ltd., Highland Credit Opportunities CDO, Ltd., Highland Loan Funding V, Ltd., Highland Offshore Partners, L.P., ING International (II) – Senior Bank Loans Euro, ING International (II) – Senior Bank Loans USD, ING Investment Management CLO I, Ltd., ING Investment Management CLO II, Ltd., ING Investment Management CLO III, Ltd., ING Investment Management CLO IV, Ltd., ING Investment Management CLO V, Ltd., ING Prime Rate Trust, ING Senior Income Fund, Jasper CLO, Ltd., Jay Street Market Value CLO I, Ltd., Kennecott Funding Ltd., LFC2 Loan Funding LLC, Liberty CLO, Ltd., Loan Funding IV LLC, Loan Funding VII LLC, Loan Star State Trust, Mariner LDC, Mariner Opportunities Fund, LP, NZC Opportunities (Funding) II Limited, Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund, Nuveen Floating Rate Income Opportunity Fund, Nuveen Senior Income Fund, Orpheus Funding LLC, Orpheus Holdings, LLC, Primus CLO I, Ltd., Primus CLO II, Ltd., Red River CLO, Ltd., Rockwall CDL II, Ltd., Rockwall CDO Ltd., Sands Point Funding Ltd., Southfork CLO, Ltd., Symphony CLO I, Ltd., Symphony CLO II, Ltd., Symphony CLO III, Ltd., Symphony CLO IV, Ltd., Symphony CLO V, Ltd., Symphony Credit Opportunity Fund, Ltd., Veer Cash Flow CLO, Limited, Venture II CDO 2002, Limited, Venture III CDO Limited, Venture IV CDO Limited, Venture IX CDO Limited, Venture V CDO Limited, Venture VI CDO Limited, Venture VII CDO Limited, Venture VIII CDO Limited, Vista Leveraged Income Fund, Westchester CLO, Ltd., Aurelius Capital Master, Ltd., Stratford CLO, Ltd., Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, Olympic CLO I Ltd. , Shasta CLO I Ltd., Whitney CLO I Ltd., San Gabriel CLO I Ltd., Sierra CLO II Ltd. , Rosedale CLO, Ltd., Rosedale CLO II Ltd., SPCP Group, LLC , Stone Lion Portfolio L.P., Venor Capital Master Fund, Ltd. . Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Pruss, Lorenz) -Modified to add missing filer on 3/23/2010 (gp). (Entered: 03/22/2010)
03/30/2010 55// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER ELEVEN: Granting 53 Motion for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings ; Granting 54 Motion for Limited Appearance, Consent to Designation and Request to Electronically Receive Notices of Electronic Filings. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 3/30/2010. (gp) (Entered: 03/31/2010)
04/05/2010 56// <![CDATA[
MEMORANDUM in Support re (35 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 92 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 41 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,,Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, Defendant Bank of America, N.A.’s Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of Its Motion to Dismiss the Term Lenders‘ Disbursement Agreement Claims by Bank of America, N.A.. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG(Rasile, Craig) (Entered: 04/05/2010)
04/05/2010 57// <![CDATA[
RESPONSE in Support re 36 MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint,, and Supportion Memorandum of Law [Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Defendants‘ Joint Motions to Dismiss the Term Lender Complaints] filed by Bank of America, N.A., Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank PLC, Camulos Master Fund, L.P., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, HSH Nordbank AG, New York Branch, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., MB Financial Bank, N.A., Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC. (Hutton, John) (Entered: 04/05/2010)
04/09/2010 58// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER NUMBER 12: SETTING HEARING Telephonic Status Conference set for 4/16/2010 01:30 PM in Miami Division before Judge Alan S. Gold. Miscellaneous Deadline: Joint Submission due 04/15/2010. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 4/9/2010. Associated Cases: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-21879-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 1:10-cv-20236-ASG (jh) (Entered: 04/09/2010)
04/15/2010 59// <![CDATA[
Statement of: Joint Statement Requested by the Court in MDL Order Number 12 by ACP Master, Ltd., Avenue CLO Fund, Ltd., Bank of America, N.A., Bank of Scotland PLC, Barclays Bank PLC, Camulos Master Fund, L.P., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, HSH Nordbank AG, New York Branch, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., MB Financial Bank, N.A., Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC re 58 Order, Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings,, (Hutton, John) (Entered: 04/15/2010)
04/16/2010 60 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Alan S. Gold: Telephone Status Conference held on 4/16/2010 re 59 Joint Statement Summarizing Current Discovery Dispute and the Parties‘ Respective Position. Court Reporter: Joseph Millikan, 305-523-5588 / (jh) (Entered: 04/16/2010)
04/16/2010 61// <![CDATA[
MDL ORDER NUMBER THIRTEEN: REQUIRING SUBMISSION – All parties, including Fontainebleau, shall negotiate search terms no later than Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 10:00am; No later than Thursday April 22, 2010 at 12:00pm the parties shall file a Motion for Extension of Pre-Trial Deadlines. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 4/16/2010. (gp) (Entered: 04/19/2010)
04/22/2010 62// <![CDATA[
Joint MOTION to Continue Certain Pre-Trial Deadlines by Term Lenders. Responses due by 5/10/2010 (Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 04/22/2010)
04/22/2010 63// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice by Rosedale CLO II Ltd., Rosedale CLO, Ltd. (Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 04/22/2010)
04/27/2010 64// <![CDATA[
ORDER DISMISSING PARTIES without prejudice Upon (63 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal ; DIRECTING CLERK to Take Action. Rosedale CLO, Ltd., and Rosedale CLO II Ltd. terminated. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 4/26/2010. (gp) (Entered: 04/27/2010)
04/28/2010 65// <![CDATA[
NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal Without Prejudice by Aberdeen Loan Funding, Ltd., Armstrong Loan Funding, Ltd., Brentwood CLO, Ltd., Eastland CLO, Ltd., Gleneagles CLO, Ltd., Grayson CLO, Ltd., Greenbriar CLO, Ltd., Highland Credit Opportunities CDO, Ltd., Highland Loan Funding V, Ltd., Highland Offshore Partners, L.P., Jasper CLO, Ltd., Liberty CLO, Ltd., Loan Funding IV LLC, Loan Funding VII LLC, Loan Star State Trust, Red River CLO, Ltd., Rockwall CDO II, Ltd., Rockwall CDO Ltd., Southfork CLO, Ltd., Stratford CLO, Ltd., Westchester CLO, Ltd. (Pruss, Lorenz) (Entered: 04/28/2010)
04/29/2010 66 PAPERLESS ORDER providing Call-in information for Oral Argument scheduled for May 4, 2010 at 3:15 p.m. All parties and/or counsel that are not required to appear in person for oral argument may call 1-866-208-0348 on the above date and time. Refer to Conference ID#71566296. Please call 3-4 minutes in advance of the scheduled time. This conference has been designated as lecture mode only. No callers will be able to address the Court. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 4/29/2010. (lms) (Entered: 04/29/2010)
04/29/2010 67 CORRECTED PAPERLESS ORDER. The oral argument which was the subject of the prior paperless order regarding the call-in information is scheduled for May 7, 2010 at 3:15 p.m. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 4/29/2010. (lms) (Entered: 04/29/2010)
04/30/2010 68// <![CDATA[
ORDER DISMISSING PARTIES WITHOUT PREJUDICE Pursuant to (65 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal. Armstrong Loan Funding, Ltd., Brentwood CLO, Ltd., Eastland CLO, Ltd., Gleneagles CLO, Ltd., Grayson CLO, Ltd., Greenbriar CLO, Ltd., Highland Credit Opportunities CDO, Ltd., Highland Loan Funding V, Ltd., Highland Offshore Partners, L.P., Jasper CLO, Ltd., Liberty CLO, Ltd., Loan Funding IV LLC, Loan Funding VII LLC, Loan Star State Trust, Red River CLO, Ltd., Rockwall CDO II, Ltd., Rockwall CDO Ltd., Stratford CLO, Ltd., Westchester CLO, Ltd., and Aberdeen Loan Funding, Ltd. terminated.. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 4/30/2010. This Document relates to: 1:09-md-02106-ASG, 1:09-cv-23835-ASG (gp) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
05/07/2010 69 PAPERLESS Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Alan S. Gold: ORAL ARGUMENT presented on 5/7/2010 re 35 Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint, Defendant’s MOTION to Dismiss (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG, 15 in 1:09-md-02106-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint filed by Bank of America, N.A.; 36 MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint, and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint and Supportion Memorandum of Law MOTION to Dismiss State Court Complaint (84 in 1:09-cv-23835-ASG) Amended Complaint, (27 in 1:10-cv-20236-ASG) Amended Complaint, and Supportion Memorandum of Law filed by HSH Nordbank AG, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC, Merrill Lynch Capital Corporation, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Barclays Bank PLC, MB Financial Bank, N.A., Bank of Scotland, Bank of America, N.A., Camulos Master Fund, L.P., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. Court Reporter: Joseph Millikan, 305-523-5588 / (jh) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/13/2010 70// <![CDATA[
Third Party MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to Plaintiff, Term Lenders‘ Document Requests by Fontainebleau Resorts, LLC. (Trigoboff, Craig) (Entered: 05/13/2010)
05/14/2010 71 MDL ORDER NUMBER FIFTEEN (PAPERLESS) – REFERRING MOTION: 70 Third Party MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply to Plaintiff, Term Lenders‘ Document Requests filed by Fontainebleau Resorts, LLC. Motion referred to Ted E. Bandstra pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 636 to take all necessary and proper action as required by law.. Signed by Judge Alan S. Gold on 5/14/2010. (mbs) (Entered: 05/14/2010)
05/14/2010 72// <![CDATA[
Joint MOTION Leave to Add Plaintiffs to Action by 1888 Fund, Ltd., Aberdeen Loan Funding, Ltd., Ares Enhanced Loan Investment Strategy III, Ltd., Armstrong Loan Funding, Ltd., Avenue CLO Fund, Ltd., Avenue CLO II, Ltd., Avenue CLO III, Ltd., Avenue CLO IV, Ltd., Avenue CLO V, Ltd., Avenue CLO VI, Ltd., Battalion CLO 2007-I Ltd., Brentwood CLO, Ltd., Brigade Leveraged Capital Structures Fund, Ltd., Canpartners Investments IV, LLC, Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, Canyon Capital Advisors, LLC, Canyon Special Opportunities Master Fund (Canyon), Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners 2008-1, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners IX, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VI, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VII, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners VIII, Ltd., Carlyle High Yield Partners X, Ltd., Carlyle Loan Investment, Ltd., Caspian Capital Partners, L.P., Caspian Corporate Loan Fund, LLC, Caspian Select Credit Master Fund, Ltd., Copper River CLO Ltd., Duane Street CLO 1, Ltd., Duane Street CLO II, Ltd., Duane Street CLO III, Ltd., Duane Street CLO IV, Ltd., Duane Street CLO V, Ltd., Eastland CLO, Ltd., Encore Fund LP, Fortissimo Fund, Genesis CLO 2007-1 Ltd., Gleneagles CLO, Ltd., Grayson CLO, Ltd., Green Lane CLO Ltd., Greenbriar CLO, Ltd., Highland Credit Opportunities CDO, Ltd., Highland Loan Funding V, Ltd., Highland Offshore Partners, L.P., ING International (II) – Senior Bank Loans Euro, ING International (II) – Senior Bank Loans USD, ING Investment Management CLO I, Ltd., ING Investment Management CLO II, Ltd., ING Investment Management CLO IV, Ltd., ING Investment Management CLO V, Ltd., ING Prime Rate Trust, ING Senior Income Fund, Jasper CLO, Ltd., Jay Street Market Value CLO I, Ltd., Kennecott Funding Ltd., LFC2 Loan Funding LLC, Liberty CLO, Ltd., Loan Funding IV LLC, Loan Funding VII LLC, Loan Star State Trust, Mariner LDC, Mariner Opportunities Fund, LP, NZC Opportunities (Funding) II Limited, Nuveen Floating Rate Income Fund, Nuveen Floating Rate Income Opportunity Fund, Nuveen Senior Income Fund, Olympic CLO I Ltd., Orpheus Funding LLC, Orpheus Holdings, LLC, Primus CLO I, Ltd., Primus CLO II, Ltd., Red River CLO, Ltd., Rockwall CDO II, Ltd., Rockwall CDO Ltd., Rosedale CLO II Ltd., Rosedale CLO, Ltd., SPCP Group, LLC, San Gabriel CLO I Ltd., Sands Point Funding Ltd., Shasta CLO I Ltd., Sierra CLO II Ltd., Southfork CLO, Ltd., Stone Lion Portfolio L.P., Stratford CLO, Ltd., Symphony CLO I, Ltd., Symphony CLO II, Ltd., Symphony CLO III, Ltd., Symphony CLO IV, Ltd., Symphony CLO V, Ltd., Symphony Credit Opportunity Fund, Ltd., Veer Cash Flow CLO, Limited, Venor Capital Master Fund, Ltd., Venture II CDO 2002, Limited, Venture III CDO Limited, Venture IV CDO Limited, Venture IX CDO Limited, Venture V CDO Limited, Venture VI CDO Limited, Venture VII CDO Limited, Venture VIII CDO Limited, Vista Leveraged Income Fund, Westchester CLO, Ltd., Whitney CLO I Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Proposed Order Granting Motion)(Pruss, Lorenz)
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