US-Sammelklage Sphinx u.a. gegen die Deutsche Bank AG

30.April 2010, Sammelklage gegen die u.a. Deutsche Bank  AG in Höhe von mind. 265.000.000 USD;  U.S. District Court, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Foley Square), CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:10-cv-03594-JSR;

Krys et al v. Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. et al
Assigned to: Judge Jed S. Rakoff
Lead case: 1:07-md-01902-JSR
Member case: (View Member Case)

Related Case: 1:07-md-01902-JSR
Case in other court: Supreme Court-State, 650210-10

Cause: 28:1441 Notice of Removal

Date Filed: 04/30/2010
Jury Demand: Plaintiff
Nature of Suit: 370 Fraud or Truth-In-Lending
Jurisdiction: Federal Question

„Klagen von Anlegern v in New York. In den Verfahren geht es  um Wertpapiere auf Grundlage von Hypotheken, die von der Deutschen Bank aufgelegt oder verkauft wurden.“ Siehe:

Einleitendes Verfahrensdokument: Sammelklage Sphinx u.a. gegen die Dt Bank u.a.;Antrag der Dt Bank auf Verweisung an ein Bundesgericht

Die bisherigen Verfahrensschritte im Einzelnen:

Date Filed # Docket Text
04/30/2010 1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL from Supreme Court, County of New York. Case Number: 650210-10. (Filing Fee $ 350.00, Receipt Number 902331).Document filed by Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, Deutsche Bank AG. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit)(rdz) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
04/30/2010 CASE REFERRED TO Judge Jed S. Rakoff as possibly Related to 07-md-1902. (rdz) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
04/30/2010 Case Designated ECF. (rdz) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
04/30/2010 2 RULE 7.1 CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Identifying DB U.S. Financial Markets Holding Corporation, Taunus Corporation, Deutsche Bank AG as Corporate Parent. Document filed by Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas.(rdz) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
05/03/2010 3 NOTICE of Certificate of Filing of Notice of Filing of Notice of Removal. Document filed by Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, Deutsche Bank AG. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Schmit, Joseph) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
05/03/2010 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Certificate of Filing of Notice of Filing of Notice of Removal on 4/30/2010. Service was made by Mail. Document filed by Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, Deutsche Bank AG. (Schmit, Joseph) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
05/03/2010 5 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE of Notice of Removal on 4/30/2010. Service was made by Mail. Document filed by Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, Deutsche Bank AG. (Schmit, Joseph) (Entered: 05/03/2010)
05/07/2010 CASE ACCEPTED AS RELATED. Create association to 1:07-md-01902-JSR. Notice of Assignment to follow. (ldi) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/07/2010 CONSOLIDATED MDL CASE: Create association to 1:07-md-01902-JSR. (ldi) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/07/2010 6 NOTICE OF CASE ASSIGNMENT to Judge Jed S. Rakoff. Judge Unassigned is no longer assigned to the case. (ldi) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/07/2010 Magistrate Judge Debra Freeman is so designated. (ldi) (Entered: 05/07/2010)
05/11/2010 7 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by David J. Molton on behalf of Kenneth M. Krys, Kenneth M. Krys, Margot Macinnis, Margot Macinnis, Kenneth M. Krys Filed In Associated Cases: 1:07-md-01902-JSR, 1:10-cv-03594-JSR(Molton, David) (Entered: 05/11/2010)
05/11/2010 8 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Andrew S. Dash on behalf of Kenneth M. Krys, Kenneth M. Krys, Margot Macinnis, Margot Macinnis, Kenneth M. Krys Filed In Associated Cases: 1:07-md-01902-JSR, 1:10-cv-03594-JSR(Dash, Andrew) (Entered: 05/11/2010)
05/11/2010 9 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Jessica Conklin Calagione on behalf of Kenneth M. Krys, Kenneth M. Krys, Margot Macinnis, Margot Macinnis, Kenneth M. Krys Filed In Associated Cases: 1:07-md-01902-JSR, 1:10-cv-03594-JSR(Calagione, Jessica) (Entered: 05/11/2010)
05/18/2010 10 ORDER. In any civil action filed in, removed to, or transferred to this District as a related case, „initiating“ counsel (whether of an original complaint or of a petition for removal) shall, within thirty (30) days of filing or transfer, engage in a 26(f) meet and confer and report to Special Master Hedges. Reports shall be sent to Special Master Hedges via electronic mail at (Signed by Hon. Ronald J. Hedges, Special Master on 5/16/10) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:07-md-01902-JSR et al.(rjm) (Entered: 05/18/2010)
05/20/2010 11 DEMAND for Trial by Jury. Document filed by Kenneth M. Krys, Kenneth M. Krys, Kenneth M. Krys, Margot Macinnis, Margot Macinnis, Kenneth M. Krys (Attachments: # 1 Certificiate of Service)Associated Cases: 1:07-md-01902-JSR, 1:10-cv-03594-JSR(Molton, David) (Entered: 05/20/2010)
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