H.R. 4678: Foreign Manufacturers Legal Accountability Act of 2010

Am 14.Juni 2010 wurde in Blog auf dieses, auch für deutsche in die US A exportierende Unternehmen relevante, Gesetzesvorhaben hingewiesen.  Hier der aktuelle Stand:  „This bill was considered in committee which has recommended it be considered by the House as a whole. Although it has been placed on a calendar of business, the order in which legislation is considered and voted on is determined by the majority party leadership. Keep in mind that sometimes the text of one bill is incorporated into another bill, and in those cases the original bill, as it would appear here, would seem to be abandoned. [Last Updated: Jul 23, 2010] Last Action: Jul 21, 2010: House Energy and Commerce: Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 31 – 22. Das Gesetzgebungsverfahren nimmt somit seinen Gang. Es bleibt abzuwarten, welche Änderungen es auf dem weiteren, noch längeren, Weg noch erfährt.

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