The Newsletter of the Committee on Mergers and Acquisitions

August 2010, American Bar Association, Committee on Mergers and Acquisitions — Summer Issue of Deal Points. Jedem,  der im (und  nicht nur US-) M&A Transaktionsgeschäft tätig ist, sei die Lektüre der im Newsletter enthaltenen Artikel empfohlen. This issue contains a summary by the M&A Jurisprudence Subcommittee of the decision by the Georgia Court of Appeals in Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. McDavid. Also included in this issue is the feature article: co-authored by Mike Reilly and Kevin Shannon, entitled  “Closing Adjustment Provisions in M&A Transactions: Avoiding Common Disputes”. [Nietzer & Häusler, ebenfalls Content Provider dieses US-Rechtsblogs,  ist Mitglied der Amerikanischen Anwaltsvereinigung und des Committee on M&A]

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