Board Members and Prudent Discharge of Duties under the FCPA

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Monday’s FCPA Blog post wrote about what it called a “compliance donnybrook” inside the company China Northeast Petroleum. The facts of this melee are straight-forward, in July, the head of the Board of Director’s Audit Committee Robert Bruce, communicated to his fellow directors that he believed the company needed an investigation to make sure it had not violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act’s (FCPA) anti-bribery provisions and did so in a letter detailing his reasons for making this request. As reported by the FCPA Blog, Mr. Bruce stated, in part “I strongly believe that substantial additional investigation is required in order for the Company and/or the members of the board to be confident that . . . the Company has not made payments to government officials as proscribed by the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.”

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