US-Klage über $24 trillion !

Bericht des Institute for Legal Reform: September Most Ridiculous Lawsuit Poll – The ‚All the Tea in China‘ Edition:  Not content with merely suing for all the tea in China, a Las Vegas man recently brought a lawsuit against a law firm for $38 quadrillion dollars.  For those keeping score, only $24 trillion is in current circulation … not just in the U.S. but in the entire world.  So, regardless of the merits of the case, one plaintiff in this month’s Most Ridiculous Lawsuit Poll is literally suing for more than all the money in the world.
But let’s quickly take a look at the lawsuit itself.

The plaintiff was a consultant with a minor contractual dispute with a mining company, which had defaulted on a loan and was being sold by a capitol property group.  But before it could be sold, the plaintiff put a lien on the property for back payment of 16 months of consulting work.  The amount of the lien?  A cool $918 billion.

How did he get to that number?  The Daily Herald reports that the plaintiff “said the property has been valued $36 billion and asked for 12.5 percent of that value, $4.5 billion. He also asked for additional compensatory damages of four times that amount and punitive damages of 200 times the amount, which added up to $918 billion.”  But when the capitol property group filed a lawsuit to remove the lien, the plaintiff then “filed a second complaint for $38 quadrillion, having multiplied the $918 billion complaint by 204 two times.”

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