Verräter von Gesetzesverstößen in den USA auf dem Vormarsch – After Dodd-Frank, SEC Getting At Least One FCPA Tip A Day

Institute for Legal Reform; The Wall Street Journal reported on its website that the SEC has been receiving at least one tip a day regarding potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), a 1977 law that criminalizes bribery of foreign officials by companies within the jurisdiction of U.S. law. The article also notes that the number of FCPA enforcement actions by the SEC and the Justice Department has increased eight-fold since 2004. The FCPA is clearly a well intended law that aims to deter harmful conduct. But the massive increase in recent FCPA enforcement actions has raised questions about whether the law is being enforced fairly and consistently. Anmerkung: Wann wird es wohl in Deutschland ein Gesetz geben, welches den Verrat von Gesetzesverletzungen durch solche Personen („Whistleblowers“), die nicht an dem betreffenden Gesetzesverstoß beteiligt sind, mit einem Teil der festgesetzten Geldstrafe belohnt? In den USA scheint Deratiges sehr viel Wirkung zu zeigen….

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