Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – mögliche Ergänzungen

Neues zu möglichen Änderungen zum FCPA: In a White Paper released today by the US Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, entitled “Restoring Balance-Proposed Amendments to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act”, authors Andrew Wiessmann and Alixandra Smith argue that the time is ripe to amend the FCPA to make the statute more equitable and its requirements clearer. They propose five  amendments to the FCPA which they argue would serve to improve the Act. ….hier der Aufsatz.

This paper presents a series of amendments that would serve to improve the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”). That statute was enacted by Congress and signed into law by President Carter in late 1977. Congress’s primary aim in enacting the FCPA was to prohibit U.S. companies and companies operating in the U.S. from paying bribes to foreign government officials, politicians, and political parties for the purpose of obtaining business making it a crime for U.S. citizens,  domestic companies, and certain foreign companies and individuals to make corrupt  payments, or offer anything of value, to foreign officials in return for business opportunity,  broadly understood. These anti-bribery provisions have always been the centerpiece of the FCPA. But to promote the anti- bribery provisions, Congress further require .opportunities abroad. Congress achieved this aim by……

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