2011 Update of German Business Matters – California, New York and Pennsylvania Top 3 States for Jobs

A new 2008/2010 survey issued by the Representative of German Industry and Trade (RGIT) shows that German-owned affiliates provided a total of 614,000 jobs according to the latest data available. German-owned affiliates account for 11% of the 5.6 million jobs created by foreign companies in the United States. The top 3 states nationwide when it comes to jobs created by German-owned affiliates are California with 61,000 jobs, New York with 42,000 jobs, and Pennsylvania with 38,000 jobs. U.S. subsidiaries of German-owned firms play a vital role in the U.S. economy. Competitive German businesses contribute to the economic health and prosperity of American communities. These subsidiaries create well-paying jobs for American workers.

“The United States is still an attractive place to do business. German investors continue to invest and create jobs here,” says Thomas Zielke, President of RGIT. “Investment is not a one-way street. Investment usually benefits international trade and thus creates or secures jobs on both sides of the Atlantic. We therefore welcome the White House’s commitment to an open investment policy announced on June 20, 2011,” he pointed out.

More information http://www.rgit-usa.com/news-modul/news-single/artikel/2011-update-of-german-business-matters-a-state-by-state-analysis/

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