NIETZER & HÄUSLER – Update re our international focus / NIETZER & HÄUSLER 更新我们的国际业务焦点

NIETZER & HÄUSLER offers advisory services in the fields of (international) business and corporate law incl.  Five lawyers have attended U.S. and UK.universities, all of them received Master of Laws (LL.M.) degrees from their respective university in the USA and UK, one of them in addition a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in the US as well as in Germany, two of them are admitted to practice before all Courts of the State of New York and the U.S.Supreme Court, one is admitted as Solicitor in England and Wales; one person studied law in China and received its Master of Law and its Juris Doctor (Dr.) in Germany, one person applied for the admission to the Greek Bar. Cooperations in the USA and China exist.

Nietzer & Häusler 律师事务所提供(涉外)经济法,公司法咨询服务,包括相关美国法律咨询。本所5位律师曾留学美国,英国,并获得美国,英国法律硕士学位;除法律专业外,其中一位律师还分别获得了美国和德国的工商管理硕士学位。本所有两位律师取得了美国纽约州和美国最高法院律师执照,一位律师取得了英国和威尔士律师执照;并且我们的一位成员在中国学习法律后,又在德国取得了法律硕士,法律博士学位;还有一位成员正在申请希腊的律师执照。现在我们有和美国,中国的合作。

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