Most Ridicuous Lawsuits: Accountant Claims Working For This WPP Agency Is Pure Hell

An accountant formerly employed at WPP agency I-Behavior, which tracks consumer purchase data, says her job was so stressful she was hospitalized twice, and that she was forced out of her job after her doctor told her the pressure at work could cause heart damage.
Tammy Armstrong of Rapid City, S.D., alleges in a lawsuit filed in Colorado federal court that she was subjected to „verbal abuse, assault, and massive amounts of work“ while employed at I-Behavior as a senior accountant from November 2007 through August of 2011.

WPP and I-Behavior, based in Louisville, Colo., have not responded to the substance of the complaint.

Oddly, both parties and the judge have agreed on a „protective order“ that will allow the case to be litigated in secrecy. The order says it is „designed to preserve the confidentiality of certain testimony given by witnesses in this case and certain information contained in documents.“

In her suit, Armstrong alleges:

Throughout Ms. Armstrong’s employment, Defendant maintained a hostile work environment that included verbal abuse, assault, and massive amounts of work heaped on Ms. Armstrong that necessitated her working many overtime hours, including nights and weekends, to get it all done. Ms. Armstrong frequently complained about the work environment and her workload, to no avail.

The stress and pressure caused by the work environment and the workload caused Ms. Armstrong to experience serious negative physical problems, including heart problems that resulted in two trips to hospital emergency departments, on May 13, 2011 and July 29, 2011. Ms. Armstrong specifically requested accommodations and a relief in the stress and pressure that were placed on her since her cardiologist advised her that such stress and pressure could cause permanent damage to her heart. However, Defendant failed to make any accommodations to the significant physical symptoms Ms. Armstrong was experiencing as a direct and proximate result of Defendant’s work environment and the demands and pressure it placed on Ms. Armstrong.

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