Most ridiculous Lawsuits: Former inmate alleges Kardashians, rapper Kanye West conspired with terrorists

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Reality television star Kim Kardashian and controversial rapper Kanye West recently participated in a secret al-Qaida training camp somewhere in West Virginia, according to a lawsuit filed by „the world’s most litigious man.“

The plaintiff is Jonathan Lee Riches, a former federal inmate who has become famous in recent years for filing outlandish lawsuits against celebrities.

The Guinness World Book of Records recognized Riches as „the world’s most litigious man“ a few years ago. He subsequently sued Guinness.

A search on PACER, the U.S. government website for court documents, found more than 2,600 lawsuits filed by Riches and 49 filed by his alias, „Gino Romano.“

The Kardashian family seems to be Riches‘ latest obsession. He has sued the reality television stars several times in the last few weeks.

Last Thursday, he filed a restraining order against the Kardashians in the U.S. District Court for Northern District of West Virginia in Wheeling.

In his lawsuit, Riches claimed that on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 17, he was „deep in the hills“ of West Virginia when he „stumbled upon“ West and the Kardashian family at a secret al-Qaida training camp.

It should be noted a Google Maps search for „secret Al Qaeda (sic) training camp“ does not return any results in West Virginia.

„They burned the U.S. flag, stomped their feet on Barack’s picture. Then Kanye West performed a concert for all the Al Qaeda (sic) members,“ Riches‘ lawsuit alleges.

After the group desecrated the Star Spangled Banner and cut a rug on a photo of the President, Riches said they „drank Jim Jones juice“ and headed down to the mines.

„The defendants got shovels and were digging coal and fracking at mines in West Virginia to get fuel to make weapons of mass destruction,“ he wrote.

After heading down to the mine to dig a little coal and do some fracking (a process usually used by natural gas drillers, not coal miners), Riches said the Kardashians made a vow that all the proceeds from their websites, clothing line, and E! Network reality shows would go directly to al-Qaida to „finance and support the jihad.“

The lawsuit alleges Kim Kardashian is now the leader of Al Qaeda and that she tried to assassinate Riches once she spotted him spying on the secret training camp.

„I already escaped numerous assassination attacks by them on me including a McDonald’s attack in Nashville, Disney World assault and Busch Gardens jihad,“ he wrote in the suit.

„I barely escaped this episode because … Kim Kardashian launched a rocket at me, Bruce Jenner threw a grenade at my head and Khloe Kardashian tried to behead me.“

According to Riches, training terrorists is only one function of the Kardashians‘ criminal empire.

Another lawuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for Montana last Friday, alleged Kim, Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian, along with troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan, stole 123 cases of cold medicine from a Missoula CVS pharmacy in May.

Lohan smuggled the pallet-load of cold medicine out of the store in her blouse and purse, Riches said. Kim Kardashian and Lohan then delivered the medicine to Kourtney and Khloe, who used the ill-gotten gains to cook methamphetamine.

„All the defendants are meth dealers throughout the country,“ Riches alleged.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeremiah Lynch threw out the Montana lawsuit on Tuesday.

West and Kim Kardashian did not return messages left for them on Twitter.

© by Zack Harold

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