FCPA: The Bribery Act in 2012: a Year for Transition

Spring 1The past year has been one of transition for the UK Bribery Act and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). The transitions began with the appointment of David Green QC, as Director of the SFO. Green’s appointment brought a different focus to the SFO regarding the enforcement of the Bribery Act. At the start of his four-year term David Green released a statement to the press in which he said, in part, “The SFO is here to stay. It is and will remain a key crime fighting agency targeting top-end fraud, bribery and corruption. We will play our part in maintaining in the national interest a level playing field for investors and the business community. We will work cooperatively with others in the emerging counter-fraud landscape. We will press for all the tools necessary to maximise our impact. The SFO will be tough but approachable. I am delighted to take on the leadership of the agency at this exciting and challenging time. There is much to be done.”

This change in tone was perhaps responding to a critical report by Transparency International (TI) in its 8th annual progress report on OECD Convention enforcement, entitled “Exporting Corruption”. While the TI report focused on anti-corruption efforts across the globe, it did state that “The UK Government must strengthen its anti-bribery effort by ensuring that the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has adequate resources to investigate and prosecute bribery”. Although TI noted that under the Bribery Act, prosecutions had increased over the past year, “cutbacks to the SFO could see a decline in future UK enforcement. The Government has cut more than a third of the SFO’s budget in the last four years, hampering the prosecutor’s ability to tackle complex and damaging bribery cases.” Chandu Krishnan, Executive Director of Transparency International UK, was quoted in a Press Release as stating, “If the Government is serious about fighting corruption, it should not be cutting resources for enforcing the legislation designed to do just that. We must ensure that the SFO is not outgunned by those it should be prosecuting, who incidentally can usually afford the best legal advice available. The SFO should never be in a position where it is unable to investigate and prosecute cases due to a lack of resources.”

I.                   Change in Tone at the Top

This new tone was a departure from the prior Director Richard Alderman. This noticeable change began in earnest in September with the statement by Director Green, that his agency has no real interest in pursuing cases concerning corporate hospitality under the Bribery Act. He was quoted as saying “We are not interested in that sort of case. We are interested in hearing that a large company has mysteriously come second in bidding for a big contract. The sort of bribery we would be investigating would not be tickets to Wimbledon or bottles of champagne. We are not the “serious champagne office.”” This was followed by the removal from the SFO’s website of pages for its guidance on facilitation payments and corporate hospitality. Then in October, the SFO published their position in relation to facilitation payments, corporate hospitality and self-reporting. As noted by Barry Vitou and Richard Kovalevsky, QC, writing in thebriberyact.com, “The honeymoon is over.” They went on to say that “The revised guidance is a model of clarity.  The new Director has previously made his position clear namely that the SFO is not there to provide guidance and those seeking it should liaise with their advisers.”

II.                The New Guidance

In a Press Release announcing this new guidance the SFO stated that “the Serious Fraud Office has reviewed its policies on facilitation payments, business expenditure (hospitality) and corporate self-reporting. The purpose is to: (1) restate the SFO’s primary role as an investigator and prosecutor of serious or complex fraud, including corruption; (2) ensure there is consistency with other prosecuting bodies; and (3) meet certain OECD recommendations.” The new guidance discussed three areas that companies need to address in their compliance programs. These were self-reporting, business expenditures and facilitation payments. Writing in the Bribery Library, Adams Greaves said “the guidance reinforces a widely held belief by the legal profession that Mr. Green is likely to prove to be a much tougher prosecutor than his predecessor Richard Alderman, who had (perhaps a little unfairly) acquired a reputation for seeking civil settlements with corporate defendants rather than prosecuting them through to trial.”


The SFO stated that it will prosecute a company if it is in the public interest to do so. The fact that a corporate body has reported itself will be a relevant consideration to the extent set out in the Guidance on Corporate Prosecutions. The Guidance explains that, for a self-report to be taken into consideration as a public interest factor tending against prosecution, it must form part of a “genuinely proactive approach adopted by the corporate management team when the offending is brought to their notice”. However, the SFO cautioned that self-reporting is no guarantee that it would not prosecute and emphasized that each case would ‘turn on its own facts.”

Business Expenditures

The SFO recognized in the new Guidance that bona fide hospitality, promotional or other legitimate business expenditure is recognized as an established and important part of doing business. It is also the case, however, that bribes are sometimes disguised as legitimate business expenditure. However, the SFO would prosecute if there was a realistic prospect of conviction, the SFO will prosecute if it is in the public interest to do so. The SFO could also use its powers under proceeds of crime legislation as an alternative (or in addition) to prosecution.

Facilitation Payments

In the area of facilitation payments, the SFO was very clear that it considers facilitation payments as a type of bribe. It provided the example where a government official is given money or goods to perform, or speed up the performance of, an existing duty. The SFO emphasized that facilitation payments were illegal before the Bribery Act came into force and they are illegal under the Bribery Act, regardless of their size or frequency. This SFO position basically restates the UK legal position and the various tests the SFO will use when weighing prosecution.

III.             The Rolls-Royce Investigation

One of the areas of criticism of the SFO has been the lack of prosecutions. This may have an effect on the SFO in the recent announcements by Rolls-Royce that it is investigating allegations of bribery. In December, the BBC online service reported that Rolls-Royce was in talks with the SFO regarding potential allegations of bribery and corruption in Indonesia and China. It was reported that this investigation began when the SFO requested information from Rolls-Royce about possible bribe-paying in those two countries. This prompted Rolls-Royce “to bring in a legal firm to conduct an internal investigation earlier this year, which uncovered potential misbehaviour in other countries as well as the two named by the SFO.” The FT has also reported that Rolls-Royce has now retained Lord Gold for a review of its compliance on a world-wide basis.

Such a high profile UK company and investigation will certainly test the mettle of the SFO regarding prosecutions of UK entities. While the FT noted that Lord Gold was brought in by Rolls-Royce “precisely to avoid the costs” that the British company BAE incurred in its massive scandal and to perhaps make a “radical change” in not only Rolls-Royce but the entire British aerospace industry, if there are allegations of bribery and corruption substantiated by the internal investigation and Rolls-Royce is not prosecuted, it may make companies less inclined to follow the strictures of the Bribery Act.

Filed under: Barry Vitou,Bribery Act,QC,Richard Kovalevsky,Serious Fraud Office,thebriberyact.com — tfoxlaw @ 12:00 pm
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