USA und unerlaubte Werbung per Telefon / sms

Auch in den USA ist mit Unerlaubter Werbung nicht zu spassen – insbesondere wNUH_GlobusUSAenn auch noch eine Sammelklage drohen kann.

Hooters, the nationwide sports bar and restaurant chain, became the latest high-priofile company to be hit with a class action lawsuit under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The suit, filed in California federal court, alleges the company sent the plaintiff two unsolicited text messages-one on Father’s Day and another advertising an Ultimate Fighting Championship match-despite the fact that the plaintiff claims „he has never eaten at Hooters or otherwise consented to be contacted by the chain.“ The plaintiff’s attorneys „estimate tens of thousands of consumers received such messages, if not more, according to the complaint,“ and will seek both „$500 and $1,500 in damages“ for negligent and willful violations, respectively. [U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, 29.Juli 2014]

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