Judge Tosses Corruption Suit Against Siemens

Wall Street Journal | July 29, 2011; By Joe Palazzolo

„A federal judge in Miami dismissed a lawsuit by a former government investigator in Argentina who says he was brutally beaten after threatening to expose a bribery scheme involving Argentine officials and engineering giant Siemens AG. Carlos Moran Hidalgo and his family alleged in their January lawsuit that Siemens and its Argentina unit conspired with the Argentine government to bribe Moran’s former boss, the head of a watchdog agency, to ignore evidence of a corrupt $1 billion contact. Weiterlesen

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Anerkennung von ausländischen Urteilen in den USA

Schilderung aus US-Anwaltssicht mit Hinweis auf die wesentlichen Rechtsbegriffe und Gesetze; für viele US-Anwälte – so die Erfahrung von NIETZER & HÄUSLER – allerdings ein unbekanntes Feld: Enforcing International Judgments,by Houston Putnam Lowry

It had the appearances of an ordinary day. An old client you hadn’t heard from in a long time called and wanted an appointment to discuss enforcing a judgment. When the client arrived, you learned it was a judgment from another country, not a sister state within the United States. Weiterlesen

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US Legal Headline on „RICO“

Judge Throws Out RICO Claims Against J&J; Legal Intelligencer | July 22, 2011; In a huge victory for pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, a federal judge has dismissed all claims in a massive consumer fraud and RICO suit that accused the company of trying to hide widespread manufacturing and quality control problems that led to recalls of a slew of popular over-the-counter drugs including Tylenol, Motrin, Zyrtec, Benadryl, Rolaids and Mylanta.

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US Legal Headline on „abusive lawyers“

Documentary film goes after abusive lawyers; Oregon Business Report | July 24, 2011
The U.S. Chamber is applauding a film that documents how the greatest system of justice in the world is being compromised by greed and corruption. InJustice reveals the history behind America’s „lawsuit industry“ and how it had transformed the practice of law from a calling into a multi-billion dollar a year business. The film by award-winning producer Brian Kelly highlights the abuses of opportunistic trial lawyers and reveals how their actions affect the court system, the legal profession, and lawsuit victims. Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen, mögen Ihre Firma vor derartigen US-Klagen mit den entsprechenden Kostenfolgen verschont bleiben!


<iframe width=“640″ height=“390″ src=“http://www.youtube.com/embed/pKUXfcM8oPM“ frameborder=“0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

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US Legal Headline on „patented“

False Marking Law Splits Eastern District Judges
Legal Intelligencer | July 25, 2011
In a ruling that creates a split among the Eastern District of Pennsylvania federal judges, U.S. District Judge Michael M. Baylson has rejected a challenge to the constitutionality of the qui tam provision of the Patent Act’s false marking statute – a law that allows any citizen to sue on behalf of the United States when a product is marketed as „patented“ when the patent has expired or never existed.
Sehen Sie hierzu auch unseren Blogartikel vom 10.August 2010. Und vielleicht weisen Sie Firmen, die ihre Produkte unberechtigterweise mit „patented“ versehen, auf dieses US Gesetz hin, wenn Sie ein derartigter falscher Vermerk auf den Produkten im Wettbewerb stört.


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US Legal Headline

Mortgage Win for Goldman (sub. req.)
Wall Street Journal | July 22, 2011; Goldman Sachs Group Inc. scored a victory in one of the highest-profile lawsuits that accuses it of duping investors on mortgage securities that were sold during the buildup to the financial crisis. In a ruling that gives Goldman and other securities firms ammunition against investors who are trying to recoup losses suffered on the deals when the housing bubble burst, U.S. District Judge Barbara Jones threw out a 13-month-old suit filed against Goldman by Basis Yield Alpha Fund.

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US Legal Headline

Amüsant, und ein Kern Wahrheit, zumindest was die starke Lobby der US Prozessanwälte betrifft: The Senate’s Lawsuit Factory; Wall Street Journal | July 22, 2011; Somewhere, in some secret drawer at Tort Bar Headquarters, is an instruction manual labeled „How To Wring Legal Jackpots Out of Congress.“ It reads something like this: 1) Identify a law or regulation that prevents trial lawyers from cashing in. 2) Identify a „victim“ of this law or regulation. 3) Get congressional allies to turn said victim into a cause celebre. 4) Use ensuing moral outrage to get the law or regulation changed. 5) Buy a yacht.

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US Legal Headline

News Corp’s UK Probleme wirken sich bis in die USA aus! Report: DOJ preparing News Corp. subpoenas
Politico | July 22, 2011; The development indicates that News Corp. will be investigated for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which forbids U.S. companies from paying off foreign officials, which News of the World reporters and editors are accused of doing.

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Berlin im Dialog – 13.September 2011, 19 Uhr, Heilbronn

Mit den vier regionalen Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages nach 2010 erneut im Gespräch (FDP, SPD, CDU, Grüne).  Sie sind herzlich  eingeladen, hier die Einladung und Anmeldevorlage:Einladung_Berlin im Dialog_2011 – NIETZER

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US Legal Headlines

First class-action in bank overdraft fee caseThomson Reuters | July  2011;  A federal judge overseeing nationwide bank overdraft fee litigation granted class-action status to UnionBanCal customers, the first certification in a case targeting more than two dozen lenders, a law firm for the customers said.


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