Schlagwort-Archive: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

FCPA Settlements Can Become Costly Burdens

Wall Street Journal | Oct 20, 2011 Companies such as Daimler AG that settle with U.S. authorities over alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act find the agreement can be just the beginning of a long and costly process.

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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Businesses Push Back On Foreign Bribery Law NPR | Oct 20, 2011 One of the federal government’s few success stories when it comes to policing corporate crime in recent years comes from a post-Watergate law called the Foreign Corrupt Practices … Weiterlesen

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Executives worry about corruption risks: survey

(Reuters) / Sept. 15, 2011 – U.S. companies face huge challenges in detecting or preventing corruption even as the government steps up enforcement of anti-bribery laws, a new survey by management consultant group Deloitte LLP shows.

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Judge Tosses Corruption Suit Against Siemens

Wall Street Journal | July 29, 2011; By Joe Palazzolo „A federal judge in Miami dismissed a lawsuit by a former government investigator in Argentina who says he was brutally beaten after threatening to expose a bribery scheme involving Argentine … Weiterlesen

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US Legal Headline

News Corp’s UK Probleme wirken sich bis in die USA aus! Report: DOJ preparing News Corp. subpoenas Politico | July 22, 2011; The development indicates that News Corp. will be investigated for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which forbids … Weiterlesen

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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act + UK Bribery Act

Zunehmend im Fokus auch der deutschen mittelständischen Industrie, daher auch in diesem Blog ein Artikel betreff dem UK Bribery Act, zum  FCPA finden sich bereits diverse Artikel im Blog. The UK Bribery Act, as hopefully everyone is aware by now, … Weiterlesen

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15 US-Blogs zum Thema Foreign Corrupt Practice Act

Dankeswerter Weise zusammengestellt von Thomas R. Fox, 2011: FCPA Blog – Richard Cassin is the ‘Dean’ of FCPA bloggers. If you want to know what is going on in the FCPA, or wider compliance, world on a once, twice or … Weiterlesen

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U.S. Sentencing Commission – Jahresbericht 2010

Commission releases FY2010 Annual Report & FY2010 Sourcebook. In this publication the Commission separately reports, for the first time, data for „Child Pornography“ offenses, reflecting the fact that these cases now account for more than 2% of all cases reported … Weiterlesen

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FCPA Risk Assessments: New Input into Current Best Practices

Auszug aus einem aktuellen und seitens NIETZER&HÄUSLER nach Prüfung für relevant gehaltenen Artikel im Bereich Foreign Corrupt Practices Act und Compliance. Vieles davon ist auch hilfreich und verwendbar für die Implementierung entsprechender deutscher Standards bzw. Regeln, die deutsche Firmen international … Weiterlesen

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FCPA Risk Assessments: New Input into Current Best Practices

Sehen Sie hierzu den FCPA Blog“FCPA Compliance and Ethics“

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