Schlagwort-Archive: Investigations

Amnesty for Armstrong? Lessons for the Compliance Practitioner

The Lance Armstrong saga continues to provide many lessons for the compliance practitioner. A recent article on, entitled “Lance calls for amnesty program”, reported that Armstrong has come out in favor of those who openly speak about the doping … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Internal Audit Review of Charitable Donations Under the FCPA

When is a rose not a rose? When it is a charitable donation not made for philanthropic purposes and it violates the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). I thought about that concept when reviewing the Eli Lilly and Company (Lilly) … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The Dog Bite Defense and Your FCPA Compliance Program

As most readers of this blog know, I am a recovering trial lawyer. I almost always acted as defense counsel for corporations in my trial lawyer career. In the trial lawyer world, there are four recognized defenses to any claim … Weiterlesen

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ProSoft Krippner GmbH

Ex-HP Managers Charged in Germany with Bribery – Will Failure to Self-Disclose Hurt? As reported by Karin Matussek of Bloomberg News yesterday three former Hewlett-Packard (HP) managers were charged in Germany in a corruption investigation over improper payments made to … Weiterlesen

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Penn State, the Freeh Report and Implications for the FCPA Compliance Practitioner

The Freeh Report was released last week. It detailed a series of actions and inactions taken by officials at Penn State University (Penn State) which allowed Jerry Sandusky to continue his abuse of young boys from at least 1998 up … Weiterlesen

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