Schlagwort-Archive: Securities Litigation

ILR: Claims Against Ratings Agencies over Failed Investment Vehicle Can Proceed

American Lawyer: Most efforts to hold ratings agencies liable for the financial crisis have failed, but on Thursday two institutional investors got the green light to proceed with claims that ratings agencies misled them about a $1.1 billion structured investment … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Class action lawyers game the system for personal gain

Washington Times: Recently, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided an interesting case involving big-money lawyer fees in class actions, U.S. v. Gallion, et al. Read more: Class action lawyers game the system for personal gain

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ILR: NY Appellate Court Dismisses Short-Sellers‘ Porsche Suit, Closes off Possible Morrison Escape Route

D & O Diary | January 2, 2013: In a decision that could foreclose a possible way for claimants to try  to circumvent the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Morrison v. National Australia Bank case, a New York appellate … Weiterlesen

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An Early Christmas for These Lawyers!

Unbelievable ? Obviously not! Wall Street Journal | Dec 28, 2011 It wasn’t your ordinary stocking stuffer. The week before Christmas, two plaintiffs law firms got word that together they were awarded $300 million in fees for their work challenging … Weiterlesen

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