Schlagwort-Archive: UK Bribery Act

Getting Your Company Ready for M&A Compliance Due Diligence

Who was the absolute worst general during the Civil War? While there are many worthy candidates for this dubious honor, on the Southern side my vote goes to General John Bell Hood. One of the prime proponents of the Southern … Weiterlesen

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Continuous Compliance to Solve the Problem

On this day, 53 years ago the CBS television network premiered one of my favorite TV shows of all time – Route 66. The program had a simple premise, it followed two young men, Buz Murdock and Tod Stiles, as … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: What is the Role of a Board of Directors?

One of the ongoing topics for various Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA); UK Bribery Act or other anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance conferences is what information does a Board of Directors want or need for oversight of a compliance program? However … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: To Give or Not To Give and If So How, Under the FCPA

To give or not to give? That is certainly a question but it may also include the question of the value of the gift. Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act gifts and entertainment continue to … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Risk Assessments under the UK Bribery Act

In the February 10, 2012 edition of the Houston Business Journal, in an article entitled “In order to solve a problem, it must first be identified”, author Harvey Mackay wrote “People don’t usually buy products and services. They buy solutions … Weiterlesen

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Compliance / Antikorruptionsgesetzung: More Wisdom from the Bribery Act Guys

Nützliche Hinweise zum UK Antikorruptionsgesetz 2010, im Abgleich zum – für global agierende Unternehmen (ob Konzern oder Mittelstand) wichtigsten Gesetz in diesem Bereich – FCPA aus den USA. New post on FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog: While it is commonly … Weiterlesen

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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act + UK Bribery Act

Zunehmend im Fokus auch der deutschen mittelständischen Industrie, daher auch in diesem Blog ein Artikel betreff dem UK Bribery Act, zum  FCPA finden sich bereits diverse Artikel im Blog. The UK Bribery Act, as hopefully everyone is aware by now, … Weiterlesen

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