Schlagwort-Archive: US-Gesellschaftsrecht

US Sentencing Commission: 3rd Quarter FY12 Quarterly Sentencing Update

The United States Sentencing Commission’s Preliminary Quarterly Data Report for the third quarter of fiscal year 2012 is now available on the Commission’s website. The report includes an extensive set of tables and charts presenting fiscal year quarterly data on … Weiterlesen

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U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual 2012

The 2012 Guidelines Manual incorporates amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines and policy statements effective November 1, 2012, and earlier. Read more:  

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Class Actions – Umstrittener Nutzen von Sammelklagen in den USA

Auszug aus einer NIETZERR & HÄUSLER Veröffentlichung im Newsletter der German American Chamber of Commerce. Mehr Infos unter: GACC Newsletter Vol 3, 2011

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The New York Family Office

Newsletter: 3. Quartal 2012 Volkswirtschaftliche Betrachtung Immobilien Zahlen & Daten Mehr Infos unter: The New York Family Office Newsletter 03-2012

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Red Flag – US-Patent-Trolle und US-Strike Suits gegen deutsche Muttergesellschaften und ihre US-Tochterfirmen treiben ihr Unwesen.

Auszug aus einer NIETZERR & HÄUSLER Veröffentlichung im Newsletter der German American Chamber of Commerce. Mehr Infos unter: GACC Newsletter Vol 1,2011

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Red Flags when doing business with the U.S.

Auszug aus einer NIETZERR & HÄUSLER Veröffentlichung im Newsletter der German American Chamber of Commerce. Mehr Infos unter: GACC Newsletter Vol. 3, 2010

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FCPA: Six Steps to Implementing Continuous Monitoring in your Compliance Program

Anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-money laundering programs policies and procedures and even export control systems are seemingly in a constant state of evolution. Many companies are struggling with the challenge of implementing effective controls and monitoring risks across a spectrum that could … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: What is the Role of a Board of Directors?

One of the ongoing topics for various Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA); UK Bribery Act or other anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance conferences is what information does a Board of Directors want or need for oversight of a compliance program? However … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: RAE and Settlement of FCPA Violations in China

As reported on Friday, December 10, 2010 in the FCPA Blog and by others, RAE Systems, Inc., (RAE) a California-based gas detection company settled Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) charges on this date with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and … Weiterlesen

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NIETZER & HÄUSLER – Geschäftstätigkeit USA

NIETZER & HÄUSLER hat seine nunmehr 50.US-Gesellschaft / Corporation für den deutschen Mittelstand gegründet, ein weiterer Meilenstein in der nunmehr bereits seit über 17 Jahren andauernden US-Beratung, wobei die Intensität in den letzten fünf Jahren enorm zunahm. Zeichen hierfür sind … Weiterlesen

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