USA und Union Carbide / Bhopal

Angesichts der aktuellen Berichterstattung zu „Milde Urteile für Giftgas-Katastrophe von Bhopal“ mag es hilfreich sein, sich folgende Historie (auszugsweise) in Erinnerung zu rufen, denn dies erklärt, weshalb trotz des unvorstellbaren Ausmaße des grauenvollen Unglücks der damalige Verursacher Union Carbide (heute Dow Chemical) so milde davon kommen konnte. Denn aus zivilprozessualer Sicht war entscheidend, dass sich das angerufende US-Gericht aufgrund der Forum Non Conveniens Doktrin für unzuständig erklärte. Andernfalls wäre ein Urteilsspruch der Geschworenen  für einen Schadensfall dieser Dimension für das Unternehmen desaströs gewesen.  In Folge von in 1989 geleisteter Schadensersatzzahlungen sah man in den USA von strafprozessuale Massnahmen ab, alleine Indien war von nun an in allen Belangen zuständig.


May Bhopal Litigation Transferred to India
U.S. District Court Judge transfers all Bhopal litigation to India. Decision is appealed.

Jan U.S. Court of Appeals Affirms Transfer of Litigation to India
The court rules that UCIL is a separate entity, owned, managed and operated exclusively by Indian citizens in India.


Feb Final Settlement at $470 Million
The Supreme Court of India directs a final settlement of all Bhopal litigation in the amount of $470 million, to be paid by March 31, 1989. Both the Government of India and Union Carbide accept the court’s direction. UCC pays $420 million; UCIL pays the rupee equivalent of $50 million (including $5 million of interim relief previously paid).

Union Carbide Makes Full Payment

Within 10 days of the order, UCC and UCIL make full payment of the $470 million to the Government of India.

May Supreme Court of India Renders Opinion
The Supreme Court, in a lengthy opinion, explains the rationale for the settlement and emphasizes that the compensation levels provided for in the settlement are substantially higher than those ordinarily payable under Indian law.
Dec Government of India To Act on Behalf of Victims
The Supreme Court upholds the validity of the “Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Act of 1985” that authorized the Government of India to act on behalf of the Bhopal gas leak victims.
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