Die verrücktesten US-Klagen im September 2010, die Vierte

NBC Philadelphia; Kardashians Cause Pennsylvania Prisoner „Emotional Distress“. An inmate at the Department of Corrections in Frackville, Penn., is claiming Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian have caused him „extreme emotional distress.“ D.J. Goodson is suing the sisters after watching „Keeping Up With the Kardashians“ and „Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami,“ TMZ.com reported.

Goodson claims he’s permanently scarred from watching domestic abuse (a boxing match on the show featuring Kim), emotional abuse (rantings courtesy of Kourtney and „paramour Scott“) and racism (Khloe referring to a baby doll as „the black baby“).

According to the lawsuit, the sisters‘ actions caused Goodson „mental anguish, embarrassment, shame and humiliation.“ He continues to suffer nervousness and anger issues he attributes to watching the shows over the summer, the lawsuit says.

The Kardashians may want to consider letting this go to trial. It would be great reality TV material.

Goodson wants $75,000.

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