Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Prepare for “Avatar: Lawsuit,” the sequel.

Another aspiring screewnriter is suing James Cameron, claiming the writer-director of the biggest box office grosser of all time stole his idea for the sci-fi movie, reported. Bryant Moore is seeking $1.5 billion in actual damages and another $1 billion in punitive damages in his lawsuit against Cameron’s production company and 20th Century Fox, the studio behind “Avatar.”

Moore contends that he first came up with ideas that surfaced in “Avatar” in a pair of his own screenplays, “Aquatica” and “Descendants: The Pollination,” including “bioluminescent flora/plant life, unbreathable atmospheres, matriarch support of hero vs. heroine, spiritual connections to environment and reincarnation, appearance of mist in scene, sunlight to moonlight, crackling from gargantuan foliage, blue skin/green skin and battle scene on limbs/branches,” according to the gossip web site.

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