Most ridiculous lawsuits: Fan sues Bills over 3 excess texts?

As if losing four straight Super Bowls and not having a winning record since 2004 wasn’t bad enough. One Buffalo Bills fan thinks three extra text messages is worth a lawsuit against his favorite team. Jerry Wojcik, a Bills fan living in Tampa, Fla., is reportedly suing the franchise after signing up to receive text updates from Buffalo’s website.

Wojcik said he signed up after seeing an ad that said recipients would get three to five texts a week with news and score updates.

In his suit, being filed in the Middle District of Florida, Wojcik says the Bills sent him six messages from Sept. 23-29 — the second week after signing up — and seven text messages from Oct. 14-20. For those counting, that’s an extra three text messages.

Now, because of the egregious pain caused by those extra three messages, the suffering fan has had enough. Wojcik is seeking “$500 per excessive call for negligent violations and up to $1,500 per call for willful violations,” according to the Buffalo News. Wojcik did, however, stay with the program and continued to receive text updates.

No word on whether those text updates included highlights of the Patriots’ 52-28 thumping in Orchard Park from Week 4.

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