Woman sues for slipping on peanuts at Texas Roadhouse

Art 2A woman is seeking more than $1 million after she allegedly fell as a result of peanut shells on the floor of Texas Roadhouse in Harlingen.

The civil lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court states Amelia Tijerina is suing Texas Roadhouse, Inc.

She alleges that she slipped and fell around March 19, 2013, according to court documents obtained by Action 4 News.

She is seeking the monetary relief after she alleges she suffered injuries as a result of the fall.

The lawsuit alleges that the defendant, Texas Roadhouse, should have known about the dangerous condition and should have made the area safe.

The lawsuit claims that Tijerina suffered physical pain, mental anguish, and physical impairment as a result of slipping and falling on the peanut shells.

She is also seeking monetary retribution for lost wages in the past and loss of earning capacity in the future.

Texas Roadhouse Inc. has requested a jury trial and will be represented by Gauntt, Earl & Binney, LLP.

Tijerina will be represented by The Green Law Firm, PC.

A pretrial is set for 2:00 p.m. on November 6, 2013 at the U.S. Federal Courthouse before Magistrate Judge Ronald G. Morgan in Brownsville.

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