Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

ILR: In Libor Ruling, a Big Win for the Banks

New York Times | 2013 Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald of Federal District Court in Manhattan, in a 161-page decision, has given the multinational banks being investigated for manipulating the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, a dose of good news … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Judge Dismisses Antitrust Claims in Libor Suits

Wall Street Journal | 2013 Banks being probed over alleged interest-rate manipulation scored a big victory in their battle against scores of private lawsuits seeking billions of dollars in potential damages. Read more:

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M&A Newsletter Deal Points 2013/2

Anbei finden Sie die neueste Ausgabe des Newsletter des Mergers and Acquisitions Committee of the Business Law Section der American Bar Association. Nietzer & Häusler ist dort Mitglied. Wir wollen Sie insbesondere auf die  Artikel „Debunking Myths About Activist Investors“ … Weiterlesen

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ILR: DOJ Got a Record $9B in Corporate Settlements in 2012

Corporate Counsel: Federal enforcers obtained a whopping $9 billion in corporate settlements in 2012—a record amount that surpassed the previous high set in 2006 by nearly $3 billion. Read more: DOJ Got a Record $9B in Corporate Settlements in 2012

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ILR: Corporate FCPA Penalties Continued to Fall in 2012

Main Justice: The final numbers are in: The Justice Department secured $142.2 million in criminal Foreign Corrupt Practices Act fines and penalties in 2012 Read more: Corporate FCPA Penalties Continued to Fall in 2012

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FCPA: Money, Money, Money

I tried. I really tried. I tried not to rant about the Houston Astros during Spring Training, because as they say ‘hope springs eternal’ as all teams are tied at this point in the season (0-0). So when the Astros … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Class action lawyers game the system for personal gain

Washington Times: Recently, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided an interesting case involving big-money lawyer fees in class actions, U.S. v. Gallion, et al. Read more: Class action lawyers game the system for personal gain

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FCPA: Distributors Should Be Analyzed As Any Other Third Party Representative in the Sales Chain

Ed. Note-David Simon is a partner at Foley and Lardner and Bill Athanas is a partner at Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP. Both have practices which include FCPA compliance.  After my recent post on distributors under the FCPA, David and … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: How to Introduce Change into Your FCPA Compliance Program (Without Blowing It Up)

Thucydides or Herodotus; Herodotus or Thucydides. Which is your favorite? I admit to vacillating between the two. Thucydides wrote about the end of the Athenian dynasty from the Peloponnesian War and the debacle of the Sicilian Invasion. Herodotus wrote about … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Legal Maze’s Murkiest Corners Worry Companies

Wall Street Journal: SEC Payouts for Tips, Foreign-Bribery Law, Patent Suits Top List of Concerns. Read more: Legal Maze’s Murkiest Corners Worry Companies

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