FCPA: Doing Business In Italy-Step Up Your FCPA Compliance Now

Spring 4Ed. Note-I met last week with Craig Bloom, a colleague who practices law in Houston. Craig, who is fluent in Italian, was telling me about some of the compliance issues that have been percolating in Italy and in Italian companies. I asked him if he would write a piece on his thoughts, which he graciously agreed to do… Weiterlesen

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Berlin im Dialog (der Vierte) – 18.Juni 2013, 19 Uhr, Heilbronn

Mit den vier regionalen Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages nach 2013 erneut im Gespräch (FDP, SPD, CDU, Grüne).  Sie sind herzlich  eingeladen, hier die Einladung und Anmeldevorlage: Einladung Berlin im Dialog 2013

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Attorney drops lawsuit over Thunder tickets

IMG_1191Oklahoma City attorney Doug Friesen has dropped a lawsuit over Thunder tickets. He had claimed another fan backed out of an agreement to let him buy a third of her two season tickets.

An Oklahoma City attorney has dropped his lawsuit over Thunder tickets, saying it wasn’t worth the pettiness. Weiterlesen

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ILR: Looking Ahead to Civil and Criminal Cases to Come

CIMG2101New York Times: It is not really of question of whether there will be a major white-collar crime that captures the public’s attention in 2013; it’s a question of when and how costly it will be.

Read more: Looking Ahead to Civil and Criminal Cases to Come

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ILR: Judge Tosses SEC Bribery Suit Against Former Siemens Exec

Spring 5Legal Reform News Daily WSJ.com Corruption Currents
A federal judge in Manhattan tossed the Securities and Exchange Commission’s foreign bribery case against a former Siemens AG executive on Tuesday.

Read more: http://blogs.wsj.com/corruption-currents/2013/02/19/judge-tosses-sec-bribery-suit-against-former-siemens-exec/?KEYWORDS=lawsuit&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=&utm_content=

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FCPA: Distributors under the FCPA

Spring 3If there was ever a question that distributors were covered under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), in 2012, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made it emphatically clear that this class of entities in a company’s sales chain would be treated that same as any other sales agent, reseller or any other entity which sells a US company’s products outside the United States. While the terms agent, reseller and distributor have distinct definitions in the legal world, they no longer do for FCPA purposes. Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Inmates sue major beer companies: The alcohol made us do it

IMG_1129Keith Allen Brown shot a man to death in Priest Lake five years ago, leading to a 15-year prison sentence. But the 52-year-old says his problems started long before that, when he was just a boy and tasted alcohol for the first time.

Brown and four other inmates at Idaho’s Kuna facility are suing major beer companies, blaming their crimes on alcoholism and claiming that the companies are responsible because they don’t warn consumers that their products are addictive. Weiterlesen

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ILR: Governor weighs in on tort reform

CIMG2100Associated Press: Gov. Phil Bryant says scrapping Mississippi’s tort reform laws would hinder economic development and cost the state the jobs that it brings. He makes the argument in new court papers that ask a federal court to uphold the constitutionality of a $1 million cap on non-economic damages.

Read more: Governor weighs in on tort reform

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Amnesty for Armstrong? Lessons for the Compliance Practitioner

Art 3The Lance Armstrong saga continues to provide many lessons for the compliance practitioner. A recent article on ESPN.com, entitled “Lance calls for amnesty program”, reported that Armstrong has come out in favor of those who openly speak about the doping culture of cycling, of course most notably him. The article stated “Now that doping has become such a big problem, Armstrong said a truth and reconciliation program is the „only way“ to rid cycling of performance-enhancing drugs, and the sport’s governing body should have no role in the process.” Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The Bribery Act in 2012: a Year for Transition

Spring 1The past year has been one of transition for the UK Bribery Act and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). The transitions began with the appointment of David Green QC, as Director of the SFO. Green’s appointment brought a different focus to the SFO regarding the enforcement of the Bribery Act. At the start of his four-year term David Green released a statement to the press in which he said, in part, “The SFO is here to stay. Weiterlesen

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