Schlagwort-Archive: Lawsuit Abuse Impact

ILR: Judge Rebukes 2 Lawyers Profiting From U.S. Disability Law

New York Times | 2013 The lawyers drafted the lawsuits by the dozens, claiming that local businesses had violated federal law by not providing access to people with disabilities – and generating thousands of dollars per case in legal fees … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Why I Can’t Claim My $10 From Facebook In The ‚Sponsored Stories‘ Settlement

Legal Reform News Daily | Forbes I was among the approximately 125,000,000 Facebook users who got an email this weekend alerting us to the settlement of a class action lawsuit against the social networking giant for putting our names and … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Class action crusader says ‚floc‘ settlement unfair

Legal Reform News Daily / West Virginia Record The founder of the Center for Class Action Fairness says a recent settlement in Marshall County that provides medical monitoring and millions of dollars in fees for attorneys appears unfair. Read more: … Weiterlesen

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ILR: EDITORIAL: Never a shortage of ridiculous lawsuits in U.S. courts

Legal Reform News Daily                                                   Oklahoman: After his 12-year-old son – yes, 12 – was sued last year by a woman who got conked by the boy’s errant throw at a Little League baseball game, Bob Migliaccio of Asbury Park, N.J., … Weiterlesen

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ILR: EDITORIAL: Worst 2012 lawsuits argue for 2013 reforms

Washington Examiner: Did you hear the one about the repeat drunken driver in Florida who killed a family in an accident, then sued them for pain and suffering? Or the one about the parents who sued their son’s school after … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Governor weighs in on tort reform

Associated Press: Gov. Phil Bryant says scrapping Mississippi’s tort reform laws would hinder economic development and cost the state the jobs that it brings. He makes the argument in new court papers that ask a federal court to uphold the … Weiterlesen

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ILR: O’Quinn silicosis clients sue

Point of Law | Dec 19, 2012 I was the first to report when John O’Quinn’s breast-implant clients successfully sued his firm for tens of millions of dollars of improper overbilling.  Now a group of O’Quinn’s silicosis mass-tort clients allege … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Ex-clients‘ complaint vs silicosis lawyers is catalog of misconduct

ThomsonReuters | Dec 19, 2012 In the history of mass torts litigation, the consolidated federal proceeding alleging serious lung injuries to workers who inhaled silica particles is the plaintiffs‘ bar’s Waterloo. Silicosis litigation was regarded as a potential blockbuster for … Weiterlesen

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HOUGH AND HOUSTON: U.S. needs more jobs, not more lawsuits

Legal Reform News Daily 09/2012: Politically, California and Texas are worlds apart. Despite their blue state, red state ideological differences, the residents within those states share the common goals of robust job creation and a vibrant economy. The stories of … Weiterlesen

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ILR Daily News: Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

Institute of Legal Reform, Daily News, to read more […] ILR Daily News Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

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