Most Ridiculous Lawsuits in USA: Playboy Mansion Sued for Favoring Women

The „Leather Meets Lace“ party at the Playboy Mansion has triggered a lawsuit, filed by men who allegedly had to pay for admission while „gorgeous ladies“ did not. Steve Frye is suing on behalf of all men who paid $1,000 to get into the shindig.  In his lawsuit, Frye claims he was fried when he learned „gorgeous ladies“ got in free.

Frye claims the double standard is sex discrimination, pure and simple.  He also says offering these women free admission „promotes harmful, negative stereotypes.“

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FCPA: The CCO and Crisis Management

“What, Me Worry?” is one of my favorite all-time slogans. Anyone who grew up on the 60s or 70s recognizes this comes from Alfred E. Neuman, the enigmatic face of Mad Magazine. While this phrase certainly had its uses for us teenagers back then, it is not a by-word for how the compliance practitioner needs to prepare for a compliance crisis, usually in the form of the discovery of a potential Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) violation. Fortunately, Ileana Blanco has provided somewhat better guidance that than of my former guiding spirit. In the February 27, 2012 edition of the Texas Lawyer, in an article entitled “In-House Counsel’s Guide to Crisis Management”, Ms. Blanco detailed what she believes are the best practices for an in-house counsel in responding to a legal catastrophe. Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Filmgoer takes stand on costly snacks, sues AMC Livonia theater

Rebecca Motley emerges from the AMC Star Southfield after seeing "Good Deeds" on Friday morning -- and paying $11 for pop and popcorn on top of the $5 ticket. "The prices are ridiculous," she said.

Rebecca Motley emerges from the AMC Star Southfield after seeing „Good Deeds“ on Friday morning — and paying $11 for pop and popcorn on top of the $5 ticket. „The prices are ridiculous,“ she said.

Joshua Thompson loves the movies. But he hates the prices theaters charge for concessions like pop and candy.

This week, the 20-something security technician from Livonia decided to do something about it: He filed a class action in Wayne County Circuit Court against his local AMC theater in hopes of forcing theaters statewide to dial down snack prices. Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Former TSU law students take grade dispute to court

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FCPA: IP Rights under the FCPA

For many US companies conducting business internationally, Intellectual Property (IP) is a key business component. Not only is the development of new IP critical to many businesses, for continued growth strategies, but IP protection is now a central business interest. This significance was recognized as far back as 2002 by the US Congress in the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), which required, among other things, that companies must incorporate systematic programs for protecting and monitoring IP assets as a part of an overall SOX compliance program.


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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: ‚Shahs of Sunset‘ Producers Settle Lawsuit With Unhappy Participant

Shahs of Sunset Cast - H 2012

Ryan Seacrest Productions and Bravo have settled a lawsuit brought against them by a Persian woman who took part in the filming of their upcoming reality series, Shahs of Sunset.

A spokesperson for Ryan Seacrest Productions confirms to The Hollywood Reporter that the lawsuit over Kathy Salem’s appearance in the production has been settled, but have no further comment.

According to TMZ’s sources, the companies have agreed to cut Salem out of the series premiere episode airing March 11, but she won’t get any payment in the settlement. At any rate, the site’s sources say that the producers didn’t intend to use the footage. Weiterlesen

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ILR: Supreme Court Debates Rights Case Aimed at Corporations

Institute for Legal Reform

WASHINGTON — The question before the Supreme Court on Tuesday was whether lawsuits against corporations for some kinds of human rights violations are categorically forbidden.

Some of the justices were themselves in a categorical mood, announcing not only their answer to that question but also to a larger one not squarely before them. They did so by quoting approvingly or skeptically from the briefs in the case.

“For me, the case turns in large part on this,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy said and then quoted a sentence from a brief filed by the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, which is accused of complicity in human rights violations in Nigeria: “International law does not recognize corporate responsibility for the alleged offenses here.” Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Dimmick sues couple he kidnapped

Jesse Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit seeking $235,000 that after he entered Jared and Lindsay Rowley's house in 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money.  2011 FILE PHOTOGRAPH/THE CAPITAL-JOURNALJesse Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit seeking $235,000 that after he entered Jared and Lindsay Rowley’s house in 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money. Two years ago, fugitive murder suspect Jesse Dimmick kidnapped newlyweds Jared and Lindsay Rowley after bursting into their home on a Saturday morning.

Now, he’s suing them for $235,000. Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit that after he entered the couple’s home in September 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money.


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The Compliance Integration Risk Assessment

For the want of a nail, the horse was lost. For the want of a horse, the message was lost. For the want of a message, a battle was lost. For the want of a battle, a kingdom was lost. All for the want of a nail.

Many compliance practitioners are aware of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA), which contained “Enhanced Compliance Obligations” including those around mergers and acquisitions (M&A). While many have focused on the ‘safe harbors” of compliance training within 12 months and a full Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) audit within 18 months, there are other requirements that the compliance practitioner needs to consider, in the compliance context, in the post-acquisition phase. Today we consider the post-acquisition risk assessment and note that the above quoted ancient adage holds true today, particularly in the area of risk assessment related to the integration of compliance in an acquisition. This issue was recently explored in the Houston Business Journal by Connie Barnba, in her Mergers & Acquisition column, in an article entitled “Risky details are the devil when marry business operations”. Weiterlesen

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Supreme Court Do-Over Plan Surprises Many

(CN) – Legal observers say they are puzzled by the U.S. Supreme   Court’s call for a second round of arguments concerning corporate liability for overseas wrongdoing.

The Nigerian plaintiffs in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum claim that the oil giant colluded with their government to torture environmental activists in the country’s Ogoni region. But before the case could be argued on its merits, Royal Dutch got the case tossed on procedural grounds, saying that U.S. courts had no business examining the case. The 2nd Circuit went one step further in September 2010, holding that corporations could not be sued under the Alien Torts Act. Weiterlesen

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