Beispiel einer aktuellen (in dieser Form noch recht schlanken) sogenannten Material Adverse Change -Klausel („Walk Right“) wie sie momentan insbes. in angelsäxischen Vertragsstrukturen, die aber oftmals auch in deutschen Transaktionen verwendet werden, formuliert werden. Wir weisen hierauf hin, damit Sie bei Ihren Verhandlungen von vornherein das entsprechende Verständnis entwickeln können. Seien Sie sich bewußt, dass derartige Walk Rights lange und zäh verhandelt werden, da sie der Weg zum Ausstieg aus einer Transaktion auch kurz vor Überschreiten der Ziellinie sein können, beim Käufer beliebt, beim Verkäufer natürlich unbeliebt. Ist ein Fall einer MAC-Klausel gegeben, dann kann der Käufer ohne Folgen aus den Vertragsverhandlungen aussteigen oder sogar nach Unterschrift des Vertrages (also nach Signing, aber vor Completion / Closing) den Rücktritt erklären. Es kommt also im Detail darauf an, wie die MAC-Klausel abgefasst ist, wenn man sie denn als Verkäufer überhaupt akzeptieren möchte (eine Frage der Verhandlungsstärke).

No Material Adverse Change. Since the date of this Agreement, there has not been any Weiterlesen

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NIETZER & HÄUSLER – Update re our international focus / NIETZER & HÄUSLER 更新我们的国际业务焦点

NIETZER & HÄUSLER offers advisory services in the fields of (international) business and corporate law incl.  Five lawyers have attended U.S. and UK.universities, all of them received Master of Laws (LL.M.) degrees from their respective university in the USA and UK, one of them in addition a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) in the US as well as in Germany, two of them are admitted to practice before all Courts of the State of New York and the U.S.Supreme Court, one is admitted as Solicitor in England and Wales; one person studied law in China and received its Master of Law and its Juris Doctor (Dr.) in Germany, one person applied for the admission to the Greek Bar. Cooperations in the USA and China exist.

Nietzer & Häusler 律师事务所提供(涉外)经济法,公司法咨询服务,包括相关美国法律咨询。本所5位律师曾留学美国,英国,并获得美国,英国法律硕士学位;除法律专业外,其中一位律师还分别获得了美国和德国的工商管理硕士学位。本所有两位律师取得了美国纽约州和美国最高法院律师执照,一位律师取得了英国和威尔士律师执照;并且我们的一位成员在中国学习法律后,又在德国取得了法律硕士,法律博士学位;还有一位成员正在申请希腊的律师执照。现在我们有和美国,中国的合作。

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FCPA Settlements Can Become Costly Burdens

Wall Street Journal | Oct 20, 2011
Companies such as Daimler AG that settle with U.S. authorities over alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act find the agreement can be just the beginning of a long and costly process.

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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Businesses Push Back On Foreign Bribery Law
NPR | Oct 20, 2011
One of the federal government’s few success stories when it comes to policing corporate crime in recent years comes from a post-Watergate law called the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA.

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U.S. Attorney Durkan: Protecting Yourself and Your Business against Cybercrime

U.S. Attorney Durkan:

The following post appears courtesy of the office of U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan of the Western District of Washington. U.S. Attorney Durkan is also the chair of the Justice Department’s Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Enforcement advisory group. Weiterlesen

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US-Marken- und Urheberrecht

Nachfolgend ein kleiner Überblick zum US-Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, Auszug aus der  September / Oktober 2011 Ausgabe German American Trade, der Mitgliederzeitschrift der Deutsch Amerikanischen Handelskammer (GACC), New York, deren Mitglied NIETZER & HÄUSLER ist.

U.S. Trademark Basics.  Generally speaking, a trademark is something that distinguishes the source of goods or services from that of another. Thus, a trademark can be a company name or logo used on a company website, a distinctive shape or color of a particular good, or anything that uniquely identifies and links a particular good or service to a specific source. Weiterlesen

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New post on FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog

Telling the Board what it needs to know Regarding Compliance – The Pfizer Experience (Originalwiedergabe des Blogartikels) . Wichtige Lektion: Compliance Abteilung und Rechtsabteilung getrennt halten.

An article in the July Issue of Compliance Week Magazine, entitled “Telling Your Board What it Needs to Hear”, author Arielle Bikard discusses the views of Pfizer Inc’s Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), Douglas Lankler, on how he keeps the Pfizer Board of Directors up to date on compliance issues. There are many articles which focus on the information that a Board of Directors may want to receive and this is one of the few articles which focuses on the issues from the perspective of the CCO.

Reporting Structure. Due to a recent compliance enforcement action, Pfizer was forced to separate its compliance function from its legal function Weiterlesen

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What we’re sinking about… Navigating cultural differences to keep your business afloat.

It is time to teach you about the various regions of the United States and what you need to know culturally for each one. Much like you shouldn’t ask for potato salad without mayonnaise when you’re at a business lunch in Hamburg, there are certain tips and tricks you should know if you’re in New York, Dallas or Seattle.“: Hier der Link zum Blog

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Lawsuit abuse could choke off medical innovation

Die Klagefreudigkeit der amerikanischen Gesellschaft hat negative Konsequenzen auf die Innovationsfreudigkeit der Firmen.

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Xbox Live user says Microsoft owes him $500 billion

Nun, wenn Sie Lust auf etwas (rechtlich / unsinnig) Amüsantes haben, dann lesen Sie hier weiter: An Arkansas man is trying to get Microsoft to pay him $500 billion after he tried to amend his Xbox Live contract with the company and was ignored when he asked for legal arbitration.

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