Fundstellen für US-Recht

N+H-Logo-Quadrat_V1_smallHilfreich: Gesetze des Bundes und der Bundesstaaten (englisch)

[„FindLaw’s Cases and Codes section contains resources and links for both state and federal laws. This includes resources pertaining to constitutions, statutes, cases and more. Run a search for case summaries or select a jurisdiction to browse applicable laws.“]

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Getting Your Company Ready for M&A Compliance Due Diligence

Winter 2Who was the absolute worst general during the Civil War? While there are many worthy candidates for this dubious honor, on the Southern side my vote goes to General John Bell Hood. One of the prime proponents of the Southern attack and die strategy, Hood’s leadership led to the destruction of 90% of his Texas Brigade at Antietam. Weiterlesen

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Five Golden Rules of What Works – The Internal Marketing of Compliance

Winter 1I am attending the ACI Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Boot Camp in Houston. It is one of the best FCPA events held in Houston annually. It brings together some of the top local compliance talent, together with top national practitioners. One of the presentations was on how to tell your compliance story. It presented several interesting aspects of how to not only communicate your internal compliance story but how to also market compliance within your organization. Céline Gearson, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer at Cameron International, had an interesting perspective on how she internally markets her compliance function. She termed these as “The Five Golden Rules of What Works”. Weiterlesen

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Zusammenarbeit mit Handelsvertretern in den USA

Art 14In den USA sind viele Käufer von industriellen Produkten nur dann bereit, Produkte europäischer Hersteller zu kaufen, wenn der entsprechende Hersteller durch einen lokalen Handelsvertreter repräsentiert wird, mit dem der Kunde bereits in der Vergangenheit gut zusammengearbeitet hat. Vor diesem Hintergrund wählen auch viele deutsche Unternehmen den Weg, ihre Produkte mittels Einsatz von Handelsvertretern (Sales Representatives / Sales Agents) in den USA zu vertreiben. Bei der Vertragsgestaltung mit dem Handelsvertreter gilt es allerdings, wichtige Punkte zu beachten, die sich deutlich vom deutschen Handelsvertreterrecht unterscheiden. Weiterlesen

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SEC und der FCPA – ein Jahresrückblick

NUH_GlobusUSAHier eine umfängliche und informative Zusammenfassung des „FCPA Professor“ vom 6.Januar 2014 über die Untersuchungen und Massnahmen der Securities Exchange Commission nach dem Forreign Corrupt Practices Act im Jahr 2013. Dort finden sich auch Zusammenfassungen für die Jahre 2010, 2011 und 2012.

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How Straight From The Lion’s Mouth Informs Your Hotline

Art 13The symbol of Venice is the Lion of St. Mark. The use of this symbol led to the maxim ‘straight from the lion’s mouth’. This adage came about because the Republic of Venice had its own hotline system where citizens could report misconduct. A citizen could write down his concern on paper and literally put the message into the mouth of statues of lion heads placed around the City. This system was originally set up to be anonymous but later changed to require that a citizen had to write his name down when submitting a message. Weiterlesen

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Senders of Texts to Drivers Can Be Held Liable, Court Rules

Art 12A New Jersey appeals court ruled on Tuesday that a person could have a legal duty to avoid texting with someone who is driving.

Disagreeing with a lower court, a panel of judges found that when a motorist is texting while driving and causes an accident, the person who was exchanging messages with the driver can also be liable for negligence. Weiterlesen

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Injured robber’s lawsuit dismissed

Art 11PRESCOTT – Michael Lewis, who owns Mike’s Mini-Mart on Gurley Street, was found not liable by a jury in a civil court case for the injuries sustained by a man he shot during a robbery in September 2011.

Scott LaFonte, 37, filed the suit after the county attorney declined to charge Lewis, 50, in the shooting. He asked for unspecified damages, as well as lost wages and medical expenses. The lawsuit claimed that Lewis, who knew LaFonte, was „motivated by spite or ill will“ when he shot LaFonte three times on Sept. 14, 2011, outside the store at 924 E. Gurley Street. Weiterlesen

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Don’t ‚Volunteer‘ To Pay Your ‚Volunteers!‘

Art 10Joining unpaid interns, volunteers are the latest addition to the class of workers to seek unpaid wages – despite the fact that they possess no expectation of compensation at the time that they render services.  A potential class action lawsuit filed last month by a volunteer against Major League Baseball (“MLB”) in New York federal court – Chen v Major League Baseball– sets the stage for this latest battleground. Weiterlesen

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Naperville Lawyer Sues Man Over Negative Comments Online

Art 9(CBS) – A Naperville lawyer has filed a lawsuit against a man who wrote a bad review of him on Google Plus.

WBBM Newsradio’s Steve Miller reports attorney Paul Nordini sued Joe LaBarre, after he wrote, “This is an exceptionally unethical law firm…stay away.” Weiterlesen

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