Schlagwort-Archive: Compliance

FCPA: OCEG Illustrated Series: Managing Corruption Risks

How do you move off dead center? That was a question posed by my colleague Mary Jones in a recent guest blog post. She gave several concrete steps in answer to her own question. This question was further explored in … Weiterlesen

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The Compliance Integration Risk Assessment

For the want of a nail, the horse was lost. For the want of a horse, the message was lost. For the want of a message, a battle was lost. For the want of a battle, a kingdom was lost. … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Haas School Training for Compliance and Ethics Leadership

There are a myriad of compliance and ethics conferences across the country each year. I regularly attend and speak at some of these. There are also more regular webinar and local events which may focus on specific topics or themes. … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Risk Assessments under the UK Bribery Act

In the February 10, 2012 edition of the Houston Business Journal, in an article entitled “In order to solve a problem, it must first be identified”, author Harvey Mackay wrote “People don’t usually buy products and services. They buy solutions … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: McNulty’s Maxims, the Deepwater Horizon and FCPA Internal Controls

I often write about what I call Paul McNulty’s three maxims of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance program: 1) What did you do to prevent it? 2) What did you do to detect it? 3) What did you … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Marc Anthony Redux-We Come Not to Praise Daimler, But to Acknowledge It

Yesterday I discussed the apparent inaction of MF Global’s Board of Directors, when the former Chief Risk Officer left the company after “repeated clashes” with company CEO Jon Corzine, over Corzine’s risk strategy. Today we take a look at a … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Boards of Directors and Compliance: Four Areas of Inquiry

In an article in the December 2011 issue of Compliance Week Magazine, entitled “Board Checklist: What Every Director Should Know”, author Jaclyn Jaeger reported on a panel discussion at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s 2011 Annual Meeting, held in October. … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Whistleblowers earn a record $ 532 million in 2011

Institute of Legal Reform, Legal Reform News Daily, mehr zum Thema: Whistleblowers earn a record $532 million in 2011      

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FCPA: [New post] From Whistleblower to RICO Claimant

The holiday season is past and many of us have returned to work. However, if you are a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) there is a gift that you may wish to give yourself, it is “The Whistleblower’s Handbook – A … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

FCPA: 10 Global Compliance Trends for 2012

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, mehr zum Thema, ein lesenswerter Artikel: 10 Global Compliance Trends for 2012

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