Schlagwort-Archive: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

FCPA: The CCO and Crisis Management

“What, Me Worry?” is one of my favorite all-time slogans. Anyone who grew up on the 60s or 70s recognizes this comes from Alfred E. Neuman, the enigmatic face of Mad Magazine. While this phrase certainly had its uses for … Weiterlesen

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The Compliance Integration Risk Assessment

For the want of a nail, the horse was lost. For the want of a horse, the message was lost. For the want of a message, a battle was lost. For the want of a battle, a kingdom was lost. … Weiterlesen

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ILR Daily News: Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

Institute of Legal Reform, Daily News, to read more […] ILR Daily News Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

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FCPA: Risk Assessments under the UK Bribery Act

In the February 10, 2012 edition of the Houston Business Journal, in an article entitled “In order to solve a problem, it must first be identified”, author Harvey Mackay wrote “People don’t usually buy products and services. They buy solutions … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Will alien tort case be next Citizens United?

Institute for Legal Reform, News Daily, Will alien tort case be next Citizens United? You want to read more? […] ILR Will alien tort case be next Citizens United

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FCPA, Code of Conduct – The Cornerstone of a Compliance Program

The cornerstone of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance program is the US Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSG). They contain seven (7) basic compliance elements that can be tailored to fit the needs and financial realities of any given organization. … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: McNulty’s Maxims, the Deepwater Horizon and FCPA Internal Controls

I often write about what I call Paul McNulty’s three maxims of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance program: 1) What did you do to prevent it? 2) What did you do to detect it? 3) What did you … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance USA | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

FCPA: Attorney-Client Privilege for In-House Counsel

The question of attorney-client privilege (herein “the privilege”) for in-house counsel can be a vexing one, yet one that has significant implications for investigations and enforcement actions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or other anti-corruption legislation. There is … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Mortgage Settlement Talks Look Like Tobacco II

Institute for Legal Reform. News Daily, Mortgage Settlement Talks Look Like Tobacco II More to read […] ILR Mortgage Settlement Talks Look Like Tobacco II

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FCPA: 10 Global Compliance Trends for 2012

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, mehr zum Thema, ein lesenswerter Artikel: 10 Global Compliance Trends for 2012

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