Schlagwort-Archive: HSBC

FCPA: The HSBC AML Settlement – Lessons Learned for the AML Compliance Practitioner

I recently wrote about banks behaving badly. Currently, Exhibit A in that list is HSBC. In December, 2012, the UK banking giant HSBC agreed to pay a fine of $1.92 billion for its transgressions involving money laundering. Today I want … Weiterlesen

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ILR: DOJ defends deferred prosecution deal with HSBC

National Law Journal | Dec 12, 2012 A high-ranking Justice Department official on December 11 defended the government’s decision not to seek criminal charges against HSBC Holdings PLC for laundering money for drug traffickers and pariah states. Read more: DOJ … Weiterlesen

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HSBC muss in USA 1.9 Milliarden USD Strafe zahlen

HSBC to Pay Record U.S. Penalty Wall Street Journal | Dec 11, 2012 HSBC Holdings on Tuesday plans to acknowledge that for years it ignored possible money laundering, part of a record $1.9 billion settlement with U.S. authorities that caps … Weiterlesen

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