Schlagwort-Archive: US-Gesellschaftsrecht

Amnesty for Armstrong? Lessons for the Compliance Practitioner

The Lance Armstrong saga continues to provide many lessons for the compliance practitioner. A recent article on, entitled “Lance calls for amnesty program”, reported that Armstrong has come out in favor of those who openly speak about the doping … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The Bribery Act in 2012: a Year for Transition

The past year has been one of transition for the UK Bribery Act and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). The transitions began with the appointment of David Green QC, as Director of the SFO. Green’s appointment brought a different focus … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Ruling over bumper-car injury supports amusement park

The California Supreme Court says riders can’t sue over injuries stemming from the inherent nature of the attraction. ‚Those who voluntarily join in these activities also voluntarily take on their minor inherent risks,‘ the court says. SAN FRANCISCO — The … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Boeing and the Conduct of Due Diligence on Sub-Suppliers

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) act has language which makes illegal a direct or indirect act which might be used to obtain or retain business from prohibited parties. This has caused companies to begin to look at their suppliers … Weiterlesen

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Corporate Records Service: Scam Warning

The Secretary of State’s Office has received inquiries from several businesses regarding a „2013 Annual Minutes Form“ they received from an entity called Corporate Records Service. Based on information available to our office, we believe this request is a scam … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The FCPA Guidance on the Ten Hallmarks of an Effective Compliance Program

Many commentators are still mining the Department of Justice (DOJ)/Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) publication, A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, (the “Guidance”), which was released last November. I continue to find nuggets to provide to … Weiterlesen

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Most ridicuous lawsuits: Rikers Island inmates cost city big $$ with ‚frivolous‘ lawsuits

EXCLUSIVE These jailbirds are proving that crime does pay. Rikers Island inmates are soaking city taxpayers by suing over everything from slippery shower floors to beds they claim are too short, a Post analysis has found.

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FCPA: The HSBC AML Settlement – Lessons Learned for the AML Compliance Practitioner

I recently wrote about banks behaving badly. Currently, Exhibit A in that list is HSBC. In December, 2012, the UK banking giant HSBC agreed to pay a fine of $1.92 billion for its transgressions involving money laundering. Today I want … Weiterlesen

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The New York Family Office – Newsletter: 4. Quartal 2012

Hier kommen Sie direkt auf das Dokument, für welches sich Herr J. Arne Volkers, der den Newsletter für das Einstellen in diesen Blog  genehmigt hat,  als Autor urheberrechtlich verantwortlich zeichnet. TNYFO130116_Newsletter_dt_2012_Q4

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Suit claims Spurs violated state law

The San Antonio Spurs are being sued by a lawyer who is alleging the team violated the state’s deceptive and fair trade practices law. On Monday, Larry McGuinness filed a class-action suit in Miami-Dade County, stating Spurs coach Gregg Popovich … Weiterlesen

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