Und schon geht es los, die erste Klage (als Sammelklage mit mind. 5.000.000$ Gegenstandswert ausgestaltet) gegen Apple wegen des Ausspähens des Bewegungsprofils des Gerätenutzers wurde am 22.4.2011 in Florida eingereicht („All iPhones log, record and store users’ locations based on latitude and longitude alongside a timestamp. Recording Your Moves. The iPhones store this information in a file called “consolidated.db” or something similar. Id. Apple intentionally began recording this information with the release of its iOS 4 operating system in June 2010.4 Apple uses a cell-tower triangulation to obtain user location. Recording Your Moves. Alternatively, Apple may use global positioning system (GPS) data to obtain user location.„) Hier die Klage und Aufforderung seitens des Gerichts, binnen 21 Tagen hierauf zu antwortenKlage gegen Apple M.D.Fla._8-11-cv-00895_1 ; Apple Summons M.D.Fla._8-11-cv-00895_2
U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida (Tampa), CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 8:11-cv-00895-RAL-TBM
Ajjampur et al v. Apple, Inc. Assigned to: Judge Richard A. Lazzara Referred to: Magistrate Judge Thomas B. McCoun III Cause: 28:1332 Diversity-Fraud |
Date Filed: 04/22/2011 Jury Demand: Plaintiff Nature of Suit: 370 Fraud or Truth-In-Lending Jurisdiction: Diversity |
Plaintiff | ||
Vikram Ajjampur on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated |
represented by | Aaron C. Mayer Mayer Law Group Suite B 18 Carolina St Charleston, SC 29403 843-376-4929 Fax: 888-446-3963 Email: aaron@mayerlawgroup.com LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED |
Plaintiff | ||
William Devito on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated |
represented by | Aaron C. Mayer (See above for address) LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED |
V. | ||
Defendant | ||
Apple, Inc. |
04/22/2011 | 1 |
COMPLAINT against Apple, Inc. with Jury Demand (Filing fee $ 350 receipt number TPA-4810) filed by Vikram Ajjampur, William Devito. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet)(RFK) (Entered: 04/25/2011) |
04/22/2011 | 2 |
Summons issued as to Apple, Inc.. (RFK) (Entered: 04/25/2011) |
04/26/2011 | 3 | RELATED CASE ORDER AND NOTICE of designation under Local Rule 3.05 – track 2. Notice of pendency of other actions due by 5/10/2011. Signed by Judge Richard A. Lazzara on 4/26/2011. (MSS) (Entered: 04/26/2011) |