Schlagwort-Archive: Apple

Lawyer Suing Apple Is Banking On Millions of People Being As Stupid As He Was

A lawyer who brings a lawsuit predicated on his own stupidity is a rare, beautiful, courageous creature. It’s one thing to represent with a straight face someone who tried to make out with an industrial fan, and another to admit … Weiterlesen

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Chris Sevier, Tennessee Man, Suing Apple For Letting Him Access Porn

A Tennessee man is suing Apple, claiming the tech giant is at fault for selling devices that grant him unrestricted access to porn on the internet.

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14.06.2013 – U.S. Department of Justice Daily Digest Bulletin. Das Neueste aus dem Fall U.S. v. Apple, Inc., et al.  in welchem auch die VERLAGSGRUPPE GEORG VON HOLTZBRINCK Beklagter ist; es geht um das Preissystem im E-Book Bereich: Proposed Judgement

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DOJ: Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Penguin Group (USA) Inc. in e-Books Case

The Department of Justice announced today that it has reached a settlement with Penguin Group (USA) Inc.–one of the largest book publishers in the United States–and will continue to litigate against Apple Inc. and Holtzbrinck Publishers LLC, which does business … Weiterlesen

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More than 27,000 S. Korean users join class-action suit against Apple

CHANGWON, South Korea, Aug. 1 (Yonhap) — „More than 27,000 iPhone users in South Korea have paid to join a class-action suit against the Korean unit of the U.S. electronics giant Apple Inc., claiming that Apple breached their privacy by … Weiterlesen

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US-Klage gegen Apple wegen heimlicher Erstellung eines Bewegungsprofils

Und schon geht es los, die erste Klage (als Sammelklage mit mind. 5.000.000$ Gegenstandswert ausgestaltet)  gegen Apple wegen des Ausspähens des Bewegungsprofils des Gerätenutzers  wurde am 22.4.2011 in Florida eingereicht („All iPhones log, record and store users’ locations based on … Weiterlesen

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