Archiv des Autors: NIETZER . Rechtsanwälte

The New York Family Office – Newsletter 1. Quartal 2013

U.S.-Newsletter von Arne Volkers: Newsletter_Q1_2013

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ILR: EDITORIAL: Never a shortage of ridiculous lawsuits in U.S. courts

Legal Reform News Daily                                                   Oklahoman: After his 12-year-old son – yes, 12 – was sued last year by a woman who got conked by the boy’s errant throw at a Little League baseball game, Bob Migliaccio of Asbury Park, N.J., … Weiterlesen

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American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

Änderungen der US-Steuern aufgrund der Steuerreform 2012 : BPLLC Newsletter April 2013

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ILR: Claims Against Ratings Agencies over Failed Investment Vehicle Can Proceed

American Lawyer: Most efforts to hold ratings agencies liable for the financial crisis have failed, but on Thursday two institutional investors got the green light to proceed with claims that ratings agencies misled them about a $1.1 billion structured investment … Weiterlesen

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ILR: In Libor Ruling, a Big Win for the Banks

New York Times | 2013 Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald of Federal District Court in Manhattan, in a 161-page decision, has given the multinational banks being investigated for manipulating the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, a dose of good news … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Judge Dismisses Antitrust Claims in Libor Suits

Wall Street Journal | 2013 Banks being probed over alleged interest-rate manipulation scored a big victory in their battle against scores of private lawsuits seeking billions of dollars in potential damages. Read more:

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M&A Newsletter Deal Points 2013/2

Anbei finden Sie die neueste Ausgabe des Newsletter des Mergers and Acquisitions Committee of the Business Law Section der American Bar Association. Nietzer & Häusler ist dort Mitglied. Wir wollen Sie insbesondere auf die  Artikel „Debunking Myths About Activist Investors“ … Weiterlesen

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ILR: DOJ Got a Record $9B in Corporate Settlements in 2012

Corporate Counsel: Federal enforcers obtained a whopping $9 billion in corporate settlements in 2012—a record amount that surpassed the previous high set in 2006 by nearly $3 billion. Read more: DOJ Got a Record $9B in Corporate Settlements in 2012

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ILR: Corporate FCPA Penalties Continued to Fall in 2012

Main Justice: The final numbers are in: The Justice Department secured $142.2 million in criminal Foreign Corrupt Practices Act fines and penalties in 2012 Read more: Corporate FCPA Penalties Continued to Fall in 2012

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FCPA: Money, Money, Money

I tried. I really tried. I tried not to rant about the Houston Astros during Spring Training, because as they say ‘hope springs eternal’ as all teams are tied at this point in the season (0-0). So when the Astros … Weiterlesen

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