Archiv des Autors: NIETZER . Rechtsanwälte

The FCPA Enforcement Process: Negotiating the Penalty

I recently explored the issue of ‘extraordinary cooperation’ in the context of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement proceeding and some of the concrete steps that a company could take to reduce its overall penalty assessed by the Department … Weiterlesen

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Three Keys to the Role of a Chief Compliance Officer

There is an ongoing debate in the compliance world about whether a company can or should combine or separate the role of the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) from that of the General Counsel (GC). However, before a company can answer … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Man’s ban from future museum site unconstitutional

A local man wants a judge to void the Aspen Art Museum’s ban that prevents him from stepping foot on property owned by the institution. Lee Mulcahy filed a lawsuit against Heidi Zuckerman Jacobson, the museum’s director and curator, in … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Michigan woman files $5 million lawsuit against Starbucks, Kraft Foods

GRAND RAPIDS – An Okemos woman has filed a $5 million federal lawsuit because Starbucks’ special coffee portions are no longer available for her single-serving coffee brewing system. Paula Montgomery, who is seeking class-action status for her lawsuit, bought a … Weiterlesen

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Compliance Self-Assessment

Die Empfehlungen des US-Justizministeriums zu Best Practices im Bereich des Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enthalten unter Punkt 13 die Notwendigkeit (und damit lesenswert!) der ständigen Überprüfung des eigenen Compliance Programms: „13. Ongoing Assessment. A Company should conduct periodic review … Weiterlesen

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2011 Annual Report and Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics

The United States Sentencing Commission’s 2011 Annual Report and Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics are now available on the Commission’s website. The 2011 Annual Report presents an overview of major Commission activities and accomplishments for fiscal year 2011. See the Commission’s 2011 Sourcebook for … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Local Woman Claims Movie Studio Stole ‚Titanic‘ Ideas

Princess Samantha Kennedy Says Several Of Film’s Scenes Taken From Her Book SAN DIEGO — An Imperial Beach woman filed a federal lawsuit last Friday against Paramount Pictures, claiming several ideas used in the popular 1997 film „Titanic“ were stolen … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: OCEG Illustrated Series: Managing Corruption Risks

How do you move off dead center? That was a question posed by my colleague Mary Jones in a recent guest blog post. She gave several concrete steps in answer to her own question. This question was further explored in … Weiterlesen

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US Sentencing Commission: Final FY11 Quarterly Sentencing Update

The United States Sentencing Commission’s Final Quarterly Data Report for fiscal year 2011 is now available on the Commission’s website. The report includes an extensive set of tables and charts presenting fiscal year quarterly data on cases in which the offender was sentenced … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Court Rejects AOL Settlement Over Questionable Charity Awards

A federal appeals court in California rejected a settlement of AOL e-mail privacy claims that would have distributed nothing to the 66 million plaintiffs but $110,000 to a collection of charities including one affiliated with the trial judge’s husband. The … Weiterlesen

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