Archiv des Autors: NIETZER . Rechtsanwälte

FCPA: IP Rights under the FCPA

For many US companies conducting business internationally, Intellectual Property (IP) is a key business component. Not only is the development of new IP critical to many businesses, for continued growth strategies, but IP protection is now a central business interest. … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: ‚Shahs of Sunset‘ Producers Settle Lawsuit With Unhappy Participant

Ryan Seacrest Productions and Bravo have settled a lawsuit brought against them by a Persian woman who took part in the filming of their upcoming reality series, Shahs of Sunset. A spokesperson for Ryan Seacrest Productions confirms to The Hollywood … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Supreme Court Debates Rights Case Aimed at Corporations

Institute for Legal Reform WASHINGTON — The question before the Supreme Court on Tuesday was whether lawsuits against corporations for some kinds of human rights violations are categorically forbidden. Some of the justices were themselves in a categorical mood, announcing … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Dimmick sues couple he kidnapped

Jesse Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit seeking $235,000 that after he entered Jared and Lindsay Rowley’s house in 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money. … Weiterlesen

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The Compliance Integration Risk Assessment

For the want of a nail, the horse was lost. For the want of a horse, the message was lost. For the want of a message, a battle was lost. For the want of a battle, a kingdom was lost. … Weiterlesen

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Supreme Court Do-Over Plan Surprises Many

(CN) – Legal observers say they are puzzled by the U.S. Supreme   Court’s call for a second round of arguments concerning corporate liability for overseas wrongdoing. The Nigerian plaintiffs in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum claim that the oil giant … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Staten Island mom hits city with $900 trillion suit

Fausat Ogunbayo, 46, recently sued the city and its Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) in Brooklyn federal court, claiming the defendants had violated both her civil rights and her children’s by removing the boys from their home here in June … Weiterlesen

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ILR Daily News: Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

Institute of Legal Reform, Daily News, to read more […] ILR Daily News Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

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FCPA: Haas School Training for Compliance and Ethics Leadership

There are a myriad of compliance and ethics conferences across the country each year. I regularly attend and speak at some of these. There are also more regular webinar and local events which may focus on specific topics or themes. … Weiterlesen

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Why Corporations Choose Delaware

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