C-Innovation, LLC v. Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH

On November 3, 2011, a United States District Court in Louisiana denied Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH’s (“NSW”) motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. The case arises out of a products liability claim regarding the sale of allegedly defective umbilical cables used in underwater robots (also known as, “ROV’s”). Weiterlesen

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Deutsche Anwälte müssen für US-Pleite gerade stehen….

Die Pleite der renommierten US-Anwaltskanzlei Dewey & LeBoeuf wird auch für die deutschsprachigen Partner kostspielig. Laut einem Fachmagazin müssen sie mit bis zu 140.000 Euro für den Fall gerade stehen.  www.handelsblatt.com

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US-Kartellverfahren gegen Apple und u.a. Holtzbrinck

United States
Apple, Inc., Hachette Book Group, Inc., HarperCollins Publishers L.L.C., Verlagsgruppe Georg Von Holtzbrinck GmbH, Holtzbrinck Publishers, LLC d/b/a Macmillan, The Penguin Group, A Division of Pearson PLC, Penguin Group (USA), Inc., and Simon & Schuster, Inc.; alle  Verfahrensunterlagen hier

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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Haftungsrisiken auch für deutsche Unternehmen

Der in den USA bereits 1977 in Kraft getretene Foreign Corrupt Practices Act („FCPA“) stellt ein zentrales Regelwerk im Kampf gegen grenzüberschreitende Korruption dar. Konkret regelt der FCPA zwei Sachverhalte: Zum einen verbietet er die Bestechung ausländischer Amtsträger („Bestechungsverbot“), zum anderen verlangt er von Unternehmen eine korrekte und transparente Buchführung. Hintergrund für den letztgenannten Sachverhalt ist schlicht der Umstand, dass Bestechungsgelder regelmäßig nicht in den Büchern der betreffenden Unternehmen verzeichnet sind oder dort falsch ausgewiesen werden. Die Einhaltung des FCPA wird durch zwei U.S.-Behörden überwacht: dem U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) und der U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits: Long Island cop’s mistress suing Nassau County over affair

She had an affair wiMINDBLOWING: Tara Obernauer plans to sue Nassau County and its Police Department, saying they should have prevented Officer Mike Tedesco from coming to her house for regular sex trysts while he was on duty.th a cop — and now she wants taxpayers to foot the bill.

The mistress of a married Nassau County cop — who enjoyed more than 100 nights with him while he was on duty — is threatening to sue the county for $10 million because it didn’t prevent the couple’s steamy romance. Weiterlesen

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Maple v. Knauf Insulation GmbH

On Septemeber 15, 2011, an Indiana United States District Court found that a reasonable jury could find that employee, a 63-year old employee at Knauf GmbH (“Knauf”), a German company, was terminated because of his age and his claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).


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Most ridiculous Lawsuits: Kellogg class-action settlement rejected by federal appeals court

The pact, involving allegations that Kellogg made false health claims about Frosted Mini-Wheats, was rejected because a three-judge panel said lawyers‘ fees were too high.

© By Maura Dolan, Los Angeles Times

A federal appeals court Friday rejected a class-action settlement involving allegations that Kellogg Co. made false health claims about cereal because the pact gave $2 million to the lawyers who sued and, at most, $15 for each consumer. Weiterlesen

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Future Industries of America, Inc. v. Advanced UV Light GmbH

On October 18, 2011, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeal for Second District in upheld a forum selection clause granting jurisdiction to a German court, as well as a choice of law clause dictating that the contract should be governed by German law. Futhermore, the court specifically stated that the forum selection clause survived the termination of the contract, was mandatory rather than permissive, and applied to both the common law claim and the statutory claim. Weiterlesen

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FBI Expands Right to Use Anti-Piracy Warning Seal

Die Nutzung dieses Siegels alleine kann schon eine abschreckende Wirkung haben, es steht  der Gebrauch frei. Mehr zum Warum und Wie hier.

In 2003, the FBI created its Anti-Piracy Warning Seal Program to assist in deterring illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted works and to increase public awareness of the penalties associated with piracy. Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits: ACLU Files ‘Right to Read’ Lawsuit in Michigan

By Sam Favate

In what could be a groundbreaking action with national implications, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed a “right to read” lawsuit in Michigan, charging that the state and its agencies that oversee public education have failed to ensure that students are reading at grade level as required by state law. Weiterlesen

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