GE Healthcare to Pay $30 Million to Settle False Claims Act

Institute of Legal Reform, Legal Reform News Daily, mehr zum Thema:

GE Healthcare to Pay $30 Million to Settle False Claims Act

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ILR: Most Ridiculous Lawsuit of 2011 Announced

Institute for Legal Reform, News Daily, Most Ridiculous Lawsuit of 2011 Announced

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ILR Most Ridiculous Lawsuit of 2011 Announced

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United States: First Notices Under New York’s Wage Theft Prevention Act Due February 1, 2012

Ropes & Gray LLP
As of January 1, 2012, New York State employers became subject to the requirements of the state’s new Wage Theft Prevention Act (the „WTPA“). The WTPA imposes significant new requirements on New York employers.

More about it under […]

United States First Notices Under New York’s Wage Theft Prevention Act Due February 1, 2012

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FCPA: Boards of Directors and Compliance: Four Areas of Inquiry

In an article in the December 2011 issue of Compliance Week Magazine, entitled “Board Checklist: What Every Director Should Know”, author Jaclyn Jaeger reported on a panel discussion at the Association of Corporate Counsel’s 2011 Annual Meeting, held in October. The discussion was centered on four core areas upon which Directors should focus their attention: (1) structure, (2) culture, (3) areas of risk and (4) forecasts. The article focuses on each of these areas together with some questions proposed by panel participant Amy Hutchens, General Counsel and Vice President of Compliance and Ethics at Watermark Risk Management International, which she suggested a Board should ask of the company’s Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) or General Counsel.

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100 Years Standing Up for American Enterprise

For 100 years, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been standing up for American businesses—large and small. We’ve fought to ensure the business community has a seat at the table, a voice in the debate, and a stake in the policy decisions that influence America’s future. Throughout this year, we’ll be celebrating our 100th anniversary (check out the interactive timeline and video). But our focus is on the future. We face new challenges […]

Free Enterprise

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United States: Post-Morrison, State Law Rather Than Federal Supports Claims By Non-U.S. Investors For Alleged Securities Fraud

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP
We have been following the law’s development since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Morrison v. National Australia Bank (No. 08-1191). Morrison held that Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 did not provide a private cause of action in „foreign-cubed“ cases-cases where foreign plaintiffs sue foreign defendants for misconduct in connection with securities traded on foreign exchanges (hence „foreign cubed“).

More you will find under […]

United States Post-Morrison, State Law Rather Than Federal Supports Claims By Non-U.S. Investors For Alleged Securities Fraud

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Auf dem Radar der US-Justiz

Aktueller Artikel im Schweizer Handelsblatt zum Thema USA – Deutschland und transatlantische Rechtsstreitigkeiten (Autoren: Jürg Meier und Jorgos Brouzos): US Artikel im Schweizer Handelsblatt

Der transatlantische Wettbewerb zwischen europäischen und amerikanischen Firmen etwa findet zwar auf den Märkten statt – aber immer mehr auch vor Gericht. «In den letzten Jahren strengen US-Firmen zunehmend Verfahren gegen deutsche  Unternehmen an, obwohl die Fälle eigentlich gar nichts mit dem Gerichtsstand USA zu tun haben», sagt der deutsch-amerikanische Anwalt und Professor Wolf Michael Nietzer. Im Juristenjargon nennt man das einen «strike suit», einen Fall, der einzig dazu angestrengt wird, um die Gegenpartei zu behindern oder um eine aussergerichtliche Vereinbarung
zu erzwingen.

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ILR: Whistleblowers earn a record $ 532 million in 2011

Institute of Legal Reform, Legal Reform News Daily, mehr zum Thema:

Whistleblowers earn a record $532 million in 2011




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FCPA: Attorney-Client Privilege for In-House Counsel

The question of attorney-client privilege (herein “the privilege”) for in-house counsel can be a vexing one, yet one that has significant implications for investigations and enforcement actions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or other anti-corruption legislation. There is a split decision between the US and countries in the European Union (EU) on whether in-house counsel may engage in privileged communications with corporate employers. In a recent article, entitled “In-House Counsel and Corporate Client Communications: Can EU Law after Akzo Noble and U.S. Law after Gucci be Harmonized? Critiques and a Proposal”; published in Volume 45, Number 3 of the International Lawyer, author John Gergacz explored this dichotomy and proposed a simple, yet clear rule to put in place to foster ease of determination of the privilege and promote the goals behind the existence of the privilege. Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Sony sued for not allowing customers to sue

Suss-Sussudio as Phil Collins would say

Sony is being sued for forbidding PS3 customers from suing it.

After all the mess with the PlayStation, Sony got so miffed with being named and shamed in class action law suits that it installed a clause in its PlayStation Network’s End User Agreement which states that its users cannot sue. Anyone who was annoyed about Sony’s insecure network or faulty products would have to go to arbitration which effectively would kill off any expensive class actions. Ironic as finding a black fly in your Chardonnay, or getting a death row pardon several minutes too late, Sony has been sued in a class action. Weiterlesen

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