
US-Antidiskriminierungsgrundsätze -Obacht geben! Da es jederzeit kündbare Arbeitsverträge gibt (termination at will) ist oftmals die (unhaltbare) Anschuldigung seitesn des gekündigten Mitarbeiters, man sei diskriminiert worden, die einzige Möglichkeit, beim Arbeitgeber Geld herauszuschlagen. Bevor man sich dann auf teure Verfahren (bzw. Anwaltskosten) einlässt (nach der American Rule zahlt jeder seine Kosten selbst, also auch dann, wenn der Arbeitgeber die Unbegründetheit von Vorwürfen nachweisen kann), zahlt man (zähneknirschend) freiwillig. Also auch Personalgespräche seitens des Unternehmens immer zu zweit führen!

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U.S. and Plaintiff States v. American Express Company, et al.

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Baden-Württemberg (outside Stuttgart)
Comment: This respected firm bases its specialty in US law on an increasingly broad foundation. Weiterlesen

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Missbrauch der Klagemöglichkeiten in den USA – ein Problem!

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US Legal Headlines

Analysis: Wal-Mart Ruling No Knock-Out Blow for Class Actions
New York Times | July 12, 2011
The end of the road for a class-action discrimination lawsuit brought by female employees of Wal-Mart Stores Inc has not spelled doom for employment lawsuits facing other big U.S. companies.


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US Legal Headlines

Hood sues for Feinberg’s records
Biloxi Sun Herald | July 12, 2011
Attorney General Jim Hood called a news conference Tuesday to say he has filed a lawsuit against BP claims administrator Ken Feinberg to secure claims records Hood had demanded in a February subpoena, but Feinberg said his office sent Hood records months ago and reviewed the claims process with members of Hood’s staff.


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2011 Update of German Business Matters – California, New York and Pennsylvania Top 3 States for Jobs

A new 2008/2010 survey issued by the Representative of German Industry and Trade (RGIT) shows that German-owned affiliates provided a total of 614,000 jobs according to the latest data available. German-owned affiliates account for 11% of the 5.6 million jobs created by foreign companies in the United States. The top 3 states nationwide when it comes to jobs created by German-owned affiliates are California with 61,000 jobs, New York with 42,000 jobs, and Pennsylvania with 38,000 jobs. Weiterlesen

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Drycleaners discuss $54 million pants lawsuit

Gemäß der Toyota Werbung „Nichts ist unmöglich….“ !

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US Legal Headlines

Dechert Seeks Dismissal of Government’s  Against Deutsche Bank; July 13, 2011; Deutsche Bank is raising what we’ll the „Countrywide Defense“ in its first formal counterattack to the $1 billion False Claims Act suit filed by the federal government, arguing that it shouldn’t be liable for the activity of its MortgageIT subsidiary. In separate litigation, Bank of America has successfully used the same argument to avoid liability for the actions of its Countrywide subsidiary.

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US Legal Headlines

M&A Lawsuits Skyrocket as Fee-Hungry Law Firms Smell Easy Money
Fox Business | July 12, 2011
Class-action lawsuits alleging boards of directors fell asleep on the job while signing off on buyouts have become nearly as ubiquitous in today’s M&A world as bankers and second-guessers.


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