Die verrücktesten US-Klagen im September 2010, die Fünfte

The West Virginia Record; Attorney sues Nike after breaking her ankle. A Charleston attorney and her husband are suing Nike USA and Nike Inc. after they claim the companies defectively designed or manufactured a pair of shoes. Weiterlesen

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Schenker AG in den USA vom Justizministerium wegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen angeklagt, es drohen hohe Strafen.

Die USA haben am 30.September 2010 Klage gegen die Schenker AG wegen „CONSPIRACY TO RESTRAIN TRADE“ eingereicht: US v Schenker; Grundlage ist 15 U.S.C. § 1:  Trusts, etc., in restraint of trade illegal; penalty. Der Gesetzestext lässt nichts Gutes ahnen,  immense Geld- und Gefängnisstrafen stehen im Raume:  Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal. Every person who shall make any contract or engage in any combination or conspiracy hereby declared to be illegal shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100,000,000 if a corporation, or, if any other person, $1,000,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court.

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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – Best Practices

FCPA Ethics Blog – Wiedergabe eines sehr lesenswerten Artikels für alle mit Compliance und Korruptiomsbekämpfung befassten Mitarbeiter eines Unternehmens, insbes. wenn in den USA tätig.
One of the requirements consistent throughout the Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organization (US Sentencing Guidelines) and its section on corporate compliance programs; the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Weiterlesen

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US-Beweisverfahren und ihr Nutzen auch für deutsche Verfahren

Da wir in diesem US-Rechtsblog oftmals zum Thema Abwehr von US-Klagen und zu US-Verfahren im allgemeinen publizieren, ist die Lektüre des Themas, wie kann man sich einmal auch umgekehrt US-Prozesseigenheiten des Beweisverfahren im deutschen Verfahren zunutze machen, sehr nützlich, wir verweisen daher auf diesen Artikel: Turning the Tables on Discovery- Using US and German Proceedings to Your Advantage

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Die verrücktesten US-Klagen im September 2010, die Vierte

NBC Philadelphia; Kardashians Cause Pennsylvania Prisoner „Emotional Distress“. An inmate at the Department of Corrections in Frackville, Penn., is claiming Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian have caused him „extreme emotional distress.“ D.J. Goodson is suing the sisters after watching „Keeping Up With the Kardashians“ and „Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami,“ Weiterlesen

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Lawyer Disbarred for $3,500-an-Hour Fee and ‘Bizarre Behavior’

ABA Journal Law News:  A Kansas City lawyer has been disbarred for charging a soldier a fee of $3,500 an hour, shouting profanities at court clerks, brawling with court security officers and suggesting that a judge is pedophile. Hier die Entscheidung des Disziplinarverfahrens:  Entscheidung Weiterlesen

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From 2007 to 2009, Washington D.C. paid more than $50 million in legal settlements!

Amerikaner sind nicht zimperlich, wenn es um die klageweise Geltendmachung von Schadensersatzansprüchen geht,  auch nicht, wie man nachfolgend lesen kann, gegenüber ihrem Regierungbezirk Washington D.C. Da kann sich Deutschland im Reich der Glücklicken wähnen – noch.

By Paul Schwartzman Washington Post Staff Writer 10/2010.  A sixth-grader switches schools because she becomes overwhelmed by chronic allergies after her principal turns the cafeteria into a spay-and-neuter clinic for hundreds of cats. Transferring is only part of her cure: Her mother files a $100,000 lawsuit against the D.C. government and wins a $7,500 settlement. Weiterlesen

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Die verrücktesten US-Klagen im September 2010, die Dritte

The Washington Post; Lawyer Jimmy A. Bell goes after Landover nail salon for charging men more than women. Jimmy A. Bell was taking a lady friend to dinner last fall when they decided to stop off first at a Landover salon for a little pampering: a his-and-her manicure/pedicure. Everything was fine, he said, until it was time to leave. „I went to pay the bill while she was letting her nails dry — and they had charged me $2 more than they charged her,“ recalls the outraged customer. „I said, ‚Wait a minute, why a I paying more?‘ They said, ‚Because you’re a man.‘ That salon may have messed with the wrong well-groomed guy. Bell is a Bowie-based lawyer Weiterlesen

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World Rule of Law Index 2010 – USA

ABA Journal Law News. US Lags Well Behind Other Wealthy Nations on Rule of Law, Report Says. A U.S. justice system already pummeled by blows from the Great Recession is getting more bad news this morning. A report released by the World Justice Project—a 3-year-old initiative sponsored by the ABA and a number of other organizations representing various disciplines—says the United States lags behind other leading developed nations on all but one of nine key measures of adherence to the rule of law. The findings for each country are based on surveys of some 1,000 residents in three leading cities as well as experts in the law and other disciplines. Hier der vollständige 125seitige Bericht: Report 2010. Die USA findet sich insbes. auf Seite 92 und 93, Deutschland wurde nicht in die Untersuchung aufgenommen. Weiterlesen

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USA: Lawsuits as Job Creators

Wall Street Journal | October 14, 2010
The polls say job creation is the number one campaign issue, so the prize for proposal of the year goes to Connecticut Attorney General and Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal. Asked in a debate to justify the hundreds of lawsuits he’s filed against companies – employers – in his state, the Democrat replied: „Our lawsuits, our legal actions, actually create jobs.“

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