N.Y. family sues high school hockey coach for keeping son on JV team

Art 8The family of a former Webster Thomas hockey player has sued the school district and hockey coach for keeping him at the junior varsity level for four years „in spite of his advanced skills.“

The lawsuit was filed last month by Webster resident Michelle Capellupo on behalf of her son, Stephen Capellupo. It claims the coach, 2008 New York State Coach of the Year David Evans, cut him from the team vindictively after the family complained to the school administration. Weiterlesen

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Yelp Reviewers Sue for ‚Unpaid Wages‘

Art 7A group of Yelp reviewers has filed a class-action lawsuit, which argues that they deserve compensation for their work on the site.

Filed in a Los Angeles district court, the suit says Yelp simply designates its contributors as „independent contractors,“ „interns,“ „volunteers“ or „contributors“ — not actual employees, therefore violating the Fair Labor Standards Act. Weiterlesen

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Farewell to Bum and Bud: Trends in FCPA Compliance and Enforcement

Art 6Sometimes the universe converges in ways that are quite eerie. This past weekend was such an instance when the most beloved figure in Houston professional sports passed on to the great hereafter; only to be followed two days later by the most reviled figure in Houston professional sports history. Weiterlesen

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Continuous Compliance to Solve the Problem

Art 5On this day, 53 years ago the CBS television network premiered one of my favorite TV shows of all time – Route 66. The program had a simple premise, it followed two young men, Buz Murdock and Tod Stiles, as they drove across the country in an inherited Corvette (Chevrolet was one of the show’s sponsors), doing odd jobs and looking for adventure. Weiterlesen

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Beitreibung von Forderungen in den USA – A long way to go

01 GACCLegal & Tax Newsletter Vol.3-2013 der German American Chamber of Commerce:

Deutsche Unternehmen, die Waren in die USA exportieren, stehen nicht selten vor der Frage, wie sie gegebenenfalls ihre Forderungen gegen säumige Schuldner in den USA beitreiben können. Vielfach wird in diesem Zusammenhang lediglich versucht, eine mögliche gerichtliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Vertragspartner im Vorfeld durch Vereinbarung eines (ausschließlichen) Gerichtsstandes in Deutschland führen zu können. Dies kann in der Folge jedoch zu erheblichen Problemen führen: Einerseits besteht ein nicht unbedeutendes Risiko, dass sich ein vom Vertragspartner angerufenes U.S.-Gericht – trotz des vereinbarten Gerichtsstandes in Deutschland – selbst für zuständig erachtet. Andererseits kann auch ein in Deutschland gegen den U.S.- Vertragspartner erwirktes Gerichtsurteil zur Enttäuschung des Klägers führen, wenn er die Anforderungen in den USA für die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung eines deutschen Gerichtsurteils nicht kennt. Hier der vollständige NIETZER & HÄUSLER Artikel: GACC_2013_Vol3_04

Im übrigen weisen wir auf die beiden dort erschienenen Artikel zur steuerlichen Behandlung der Corporation und LLC hin. Themen, die NIETZER & HÄUSLER bei  Firmengründungen immer im Blickfeld behält und im übrigen grundsätzlich zuerst einmal für die Corporation sprechen.

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NY woman who admitted killing 3 kids seeks money

Art 4MINEOLA — A mentally disturbed suburban New York woman who drowned her three young children in a bathtub in 2008 wants a cut of $350,000 in wrongful death settlements obtained by the children’s fathers, attorneys said Friday. Weiterlesen

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I Can’t Play This 2008 Game Online Forever, Plaintiff Complains

Art 3Well, the ever-roiling, always-turbid waters of California consumer law have just coughed up yet another ridiculous creature whose slowly decomposing corpse will stink up the once-pleasant beach that is the federal docket for the next several months. (Previous sentence ©2013 Kevin Underhill, all rights reserved.) Weiterlesen

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Woman sues for slipping on peanuts at Texas Roadhouse

Art 2A woman is seeking more than $1 million after she allegedly fell as a result of peanut shells on the floor of Texas Roadhouse in Harlingen. Weiterlesen

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Busy carpet pattern caused man’s fall, suit alleges

Art 1Orange County resident Danny Stilley is blaming a “busy carpet pattern” at an area restaurant as the reason why he tripped and fell.

Stilley filed suit against Kampus Korner Restaurant on Aug. 14 in Jefferson County District Court. Weiterlesen

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What the SEC and DOJ Resource Guide to the FCPA Means for Multi-National Companies

CIMG8257Für deutsche, international tätige Unternehmen mit einer US-Tochtergesellschaft sind die U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Regeln von Relevanz, zumindest sollte man diesbezüglich sensibilisiert sein.

American Bar Association / Business Law TODAY July 2013: After a year of waiting, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued A Resource Guide to the FCPA (the Guidance) on November14, 2012 (available at www.justice.gov/ criminal/fraud/fcpa  and www.sec.gov/spotlight/fcpa.shtml). At 120 pages, the Guidance provides a detailed and well-researched primer on the development of U.S. anti-corruption law and policy. Although non-binding, the Guidance provides the most thorough and thoughtful summary of U.S. regulatory authorities’ current thinking about FCPA enforcement. Weiterlesen

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