Schlagwort-Archive: Best Practices

Senn on 10 Best Practices in a Cross-Border Investigation – Part II

Today we celebrate Texas Letters. I know that might sound counter-intuitive for a state that is bunkering down for the anticipated Jade Helm invasion but there is a literary tradition that is certainly well known. On this day 79 years … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, FCPA, Investigations, Mara Senn | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Senn on 10 Best Practices in a Cross-Border Investigation – Part I

Today we celebrate a closure for it was on this day in 1935 that probably the best-known baseball player in the history of the game, George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth, retired. While many of his records were broken with the march … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Department of Justice, FCPA, Investigations, Mara Senn | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Managing Your Third Parties in a FCPA Compliance Program

The building blocks of any Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) anti-corruption compliance program lay the foundations for a best practices compliance program.

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance Programs, Compliance USA, FCPA, Third parties | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , , | Ein Kommentar

Doing Business in India – Corruption Risks and Responses

Recently the US law firm of Foley and Lardner LLP and MZM Legal, Advocates & Legal Consultants in India jointly released a white paper, entitled “Anti-Bribery and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Guide for U.S. Companies Doing Business in India”.

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance Programs, Department of Justice, FCPA, Third parties | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Due Diligence Going Forward in China

Whatever you might think of where his career went, Elton John had some great early stuff. I still rank Tumbleweed Connection right up there as one of my favorite albums of all-time. And while it was packed with some great … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Compliance, Compliance Programs, Corruption in China, Department of Justice, DOJ, Due Diligence, FCPA, SCCE | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Procedures-Part IV

This is the fourth and final installment of my series on the the importance of a Code of Conduct and anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures in your compliance program and how you should go about drafting or updating Code of … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Code of Conduct, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Department of Justice, FCPA, FCPA Guidance, Policies and Procedures | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Procedures-Part I

For the remainder of this week, I will have a four-part episode on your Code of Conduct and anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures. In today’s post I will review the underlying legal and statutory basis for the documents as a … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Department of Justice, FCPA Guidance | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Mergers and Acquisitions Under the FCPA, Part III

Today I conclude my three-part series on mergers and acquisitions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) with a review of the post-acquisition phase.

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA, Department of Justice, Due Diligence, FCPA, M&A | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , | Ein Kommentar

Mergers and Acquisitions Under the FCPA, Part II

Yesterday I began a three part series on mergers and acquisitions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). In Part I, I reviewed what you should accomplish in the pre-acquisition stage. Today I want to look at what you should … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Due Diligence, FCPA, M&A | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

The HP FCPA Settlement

Last week the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) jointly announced the conclusion of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement action against Hewlett-Packard Company (HP). In the settlement, HP agreed to pay $108MM in fines, … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Compliance USA | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar