Schlagwort-Archive: Deutsches Unternehmensrecht
In a recent Slate article, entitled “Ethics Trainings Are Even Dumber Than You Think”, author L.V. Anderson railed against what she termed box-checking training where companies put on training not to actually train employees but simply to check the box … Weiterlesen
Compliance Training – Part II: Risk Ranking and Design
Yesterday I began what I thought would be a two-part series on compliance training.However, or perhaps more accurately, as usual, I got carried away so I am now off on a multi-part series on how to design, implement and assess … Weiterlesen
FIFA, the DOJ and the Global Fight Against Corruption
The Department of Justice (DOJ) gave the global fight against anti-corruption a huge boost last week when it announced it was bringing charges against 14 members or persons associated with Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). To say that the … Weiterlesen
Senn on 10 Best Practices in a Cross-Border Investigation – Part II
Today we celebrate Texas Letters. I know that might sound counter-intuitive for a state that is bunkering down for the anticipated Jade Helm invasion but there is a literary tradition that is certainly well known. On this day 79 years … Weiterlesen
Senn on 10 Best Practices in a Cross-Border Investigation – Part I
Today we celebrate a closure for it was on this day in 1935 that probably the best-known baseball player in the history of the game, George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth, retired. While many of his records were broken with the march … Weiterlesen
Federal Judge Rejects Expansive Interpretation of False Claims Act
An Ohio federal judge dismissed a False Claims Act lawsuit brought against U.S. Bank that could have expanded liability under the statute. The plaintiff, a legal aid group, claimed that U.S. Bank was defrauding the federal government through its mortgage … Weiterlesen
Senn Interview, Part I – Investigations Under the FCPA
One of the things that I am questioned on is when to bring in outside counsel for a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigation or simply to take a look at an issue that may have raised a Red Flag … Weiterlesen
Zur Auskunftspflicht des Geschäftsführers einer insolventen GmbH (BGH IX ZB 62/14, 05.03.2015)
Nach §§ 97, 101, 20 InsO ist der Geschäftsführer einer GmbH verpflichtet, dem Insolvenzgericht, dem Insolvenzverwalter, dem Gläubigerausschuss und u. U. auch der Gläubigerversammlung Auskunft über die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse und Geschäfte der insolventen Gesellschaft zu erteilen.
Zwingend notwendige Genehmigung für chinesische Gesellschaftsverträge
Urteil des chinesischen Obersten Gerichts vom 23.12.2014 – (2013) Mintizi 239 – Der Gesellschaftsvertrag und die Gesellschaftssatzung eines chinese-foreign Equity Joint Venture (EJV) oder Cooperation Joint Venture (CJV) bedürfen einer Genehmigung der zuständigen Behörde, Art. 3 Chinese-Foreign CJV Gesetz oder … Weiterlesen
Managing Your Third Parties in a FCPA Compliance Program
The building blocks of any Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) anti-corruption compliance program lay the foundations for a best practices compliance program.