Schlagwort-Archive: Compliance Program

Wal-Mart Cover Up- Would a Hot-Line Have Helped?

Ed. Note-we continue our series of guest posts from our colleague Mary Shaddock Jones, who today draws some lessons from the Wal-Mart matter. On November 8, 2006 Wal-Mart entered the Canadian Market opening three supercenters in Ancaster, London and Stouffville … Weiterlesen

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Compliance – die Panalpina Entscheidung

Die Lektüre dieser US-Entscheidung aus dem Jahre 2010  (einem sogenannten Deferred Prosecution Agreement / DPA) ist Pflichtlektüre für all’diejenigen, die sich mit Compliance Programmen befassen, ein Blick in die USA (der Mutter von Compliance)  hilft für die eigenen Überlegungen und … Weiterlesen

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Compliance Self-Assessment

Die Empfehlungen des US-Justizministeriums zu Best Practices im Bereich des Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enthalten unter Punkt 13 die Notwendigkeit (und damit lesenswert!) der ständigen Überprüfung des eigenen Compliance Programms: „13. Ongoing Assessment. A Company should conduct periodic review … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The BizJet DPA: Cooperation is the Key

Last week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the resolution of an enforcement action under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) involving the Tulsa based company, BizJet. The company is in the business of providing aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: IP Rights under the FCPA

For many US companies conducting business internationally, Intellectual Property (IP) is a key business component. Not only is the development of new IP critical to many businesses, for continued growth strategies, but IP protection is now a central business interest. … Weiterlesen

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FCPA, Code of Conduct – The Cornerstone of a Compliance Program

The cornerstone of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance program is the US Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSG). They contain seven (7) basic compliance elements that can be tailored to fit the needs and financial realities of any given organization. … Weiterlesen

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